Now showing items 1-10 of 17
Ecological changes following rules in use and anthropology: the case of Echuya bamboo forest, south-western Uganda
(The Uganda Society, 2004)
At the time of reservation in 1935, Echuya Forest Reserve located in S. Western Uganda was dominated by bamboo (Arundinaria alpina Schum) vegetation. Presently, the bamboo vegetation is being replaced by hardwood tree ...
Managing Uganda's forests in the face of uncertainty and competing demands: what is the precautionary approach?
(Earthscan in the UK and USA, 2005)
The sustainable management of forests in Uganda, and elsewhere in the developing world, presents a great challenge not only for forest managers but also for policy-makers. This is because forest ecosystems are complex, and ...
Non-timber forest products marketing: field testing of the marketing information system methodology
(Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, 2005)
Despite their overall economic importance, studies have shown that the proportion of the final sale price of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) received by the local level of producers or processors is extremely small. The ...
Opportunities and constraints in developing forestry curriculum to meet farmers' needs under the Plan for Modernisation of Agriculture in Uganda
(African Network for Agroforestry Education (ANAFE), 2004)
Uganda's Plan for Modernisation of Agriculture includes the development of forestry as part of the natural resource management (NRM) strategy, increasing productivity of land and eradicating poverty. Uganda's extension ...
Farmers' adoption of rotational woodlot technology in Kigorobya Sub-County of Hoima District, Western Uganda
(Ethnobotany Research & Applications, 2008)
This paper evaluates, using logistic and multiple regression analyses, the socio-economic factors that influence farmers’ decisions to adopt rotational woodlot technology in the farming systems of Uganda, based on a household ...
Case study - Property rights: access to land and forest resources in Uganda
(Oxford University Press, 2001)
Property rights influence the incentives and the behavior of individuals within a community with respect to rules that each and every person must observe in his/her interactions with other people (Hallowell 1943; Bromley ...