Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Socio-economic factors influencing adoption of agroforestry technologies: A case study of Iganga and Tororo Districts, Uganda
(Makerere University., 2009-05-11)
To understand the socio-economic factors influencing the adoption of agroforestry, participatory rural appraisal exercises. A household survey with farm visits and focus group discussions were carried out between November ...
Site specific soil conservation strategies around Mt. Elgon National Park, Eastern Uganda
(Medwell Journals, 2007)
This study investigates the site specific soil conservation strategies adopted by farmers to control land degradation around Mt. Elgon National Park, Uganda. Primary data were obtained through household survey conducted ...
Efforts by small-scale farmers to maintain soil fertility and their impacts on soil properties, Luwero District, Uganda
(The Haworth Press, 2006)
Low soil fertility remains a major reason for rural poverty in sub-Saharan Africa. In light of the need to set priorities and formulate development policies, this study investigates efforts by farmers in central Uganda to ...
Proceedings of the dissemination workshop on utilization of market wastes held on 15-16 April 2004 at Fairway Hotel, Kampala, Uganda
A report of the workshop on utilization of urban market wastes, with findings of research carried out on: The effects of utilizing urban market wastes as soil fertility amendments in integrated pest management in peri-urban ...
Nematode control and soil fertility improvement in banana using sunn hemp in Uganda
(Makerere University, 2012)
Root-infecting nematodes and declining soil fertility are among the major problems limiting banana production in Uganda. Root-infecting nematodes can cause 100% yield loss. Information on synergistic management of nematodes ...
Influence of maize-legume intercropping on striga (Striga hermonthica Del. Benth) control and maize grain yield in Eastern Uganda
(Makerere University, 2014)
Striga is the biggest constraint to maize production to the people of Eastern Uganda. Some of striga control measures include use of agricultural inputs, resistant cultivers and use of trap crops. Most of them have not ...
Farmer perceptions of selected soil fertility indicator plants in central Uganda.
(Makerere University, 2014)
Assessing soil fertility status is one way of evaluating sustainability of land use and management activities. There are basically two methods of assessing soil fertility: the laboratory method and use of indigenous ...
Farmer perceived soil fertility improving tree species, their litter and under-canopy-soil characteristics in livestock farms in Bushenyi District, Uganda.
(Makerere University, 2011-03)
In many Sub-Saharan Africa countries, including Uganda there is declining soil fertility and limited on-farm use of inorganic fertilizers due to poverty and limited subsidies. Thus, integration of soil fertility improving ...
Performance of low phosphorus tolerant bean genotypes on acidic soils of Rwanda.
(Makerere University, 2014-06)
In eastern Africa, bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production is highly limited by soil fertility decline, particularly phosphorus (P); yet the typical small-scale farmers are incapable of accessing the often recommended means ...
Farmers' perception of the soil fertility status in Tororo District, Eastern Uganda
(Soil Science Society of East Africa, 2000)