Now showing items 1-10 of 22
Development of intermittent drought stress tolerant common bean genotypes in Uganda
(African Crop Science Society, 2014)
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties that are high yielding and drought-tolerant are crucial in coping with the effects of drought, that is prevalent among small scale producers living in Uganda. The objective of ...
Prevalence of viruses infecting cowpea in Uganda and their molecular detection
(Academic Journals, 2012)
The main areas for cowpea cultivation in Uganda were surveyed in June and October 2006 for viruses affecting the crop. Seed and leaf samples from symptomatic and asymptomatic plants were collected from farmers’ fields and ...
Genetic analysis of resistance to rice bacterial blight in Uganda
(African Crop Science Society, 2012)
Rice bacterial blight (Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae) is a major constraint to rice (Oryza sativa L.) production in Uganda and as part of strategies to develop resistant cultivars, it is important to evaluate resistance of ...
Effect of crop protection management practice on yield of seven cowpea varieties in Uganda
(Taylor & Francis, 1996)
Field experiments were conducted during the first and second rainy seasons of 1994 to evaluate the seed yield potential of two commonly grown cowpea varieties and five introduced lines under different pest and disease ...
Inheritance of root dry matter content in sweet potato.
(African Crop Science Society, 2014)
There has been much emphasis on breeding for increased sweet potato storage root yield, but less on dry matter
yield, and its inheritance. High dry matter content (DMC) is associated with consumer preferences, and ...
Reaction of rice cultivars to a virulent rice yellow mottle virus strain in Uganda
(African Crop Science Society, 2012)
Rice (Oryza spp.) has long been an important food staple for many traditional rice growing communities. Key developments in efforts to improve rice production such as the development of NERICA varieties have been widely ...
Prevalence of sorghum anthracnose in different agroecologies of Uganda
(National Agricultural Research Organisation, 2013)
Nine major sorghum growing agro-ecologies of Uganda were surveyed to establish the sorghum anthracnose incidence and severity. Hierarchical sampling was used. Severity of anthracnose in the field was rated on a scale of ...
Improvement of resistance to fusarium root rot through gene pyramiding in common bean
(African Crop Science Society, 2012)
Fusarium root rot (FRR), caused by Fusarium solani f.sp. phaseoli, is one of the most serious root rot diseases of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) throughout the world. Yield losses of up to 84% have been attributed ...
Characterization and distribution of a Potyvirus associated with passion fruit woodiness disease in Uganda
(The American Phytopathological Society, 2012)
This article describes the incidence and etiology of a viral disease of passion fruit in Uganda. Symptoms, including those characteristic of passion fruit woodiness disease (PWD), were observed on 32% of plants in producing ...
Efficacy of manual seed sorting methods in reduction of transmission of rice and cowpea seed-borne diseases
(African Crop Science Society, 2005)
The production of rice and cow pea in Uganda is increasing in acreage rather than productivity. This is attributed to a number of factors, mainly seed-borne diseases. The farmers in Uganda mainly use farm saved seeds for ...