Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Elephant damage and tree response in restored parts of Kibale National Park, Uganda
Elephant tree damage is a key factor in conservation and restoration efforts of African rain forests. This
study was conducted between June 2009 and February 2010 to examine elephant damage and tree
response in restored ...
Wildlife damage and control methods around Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda
(Taylor & Francis, 2012)
This study documents the different management and control measures developed and implemented by farmers to mitigate vertebrate pest attacks on crops and livestock around Lake Mburo National Park in Uganda. A semi-structured ...
Can biodiversity conservation benefit local people? Costs and benefits at a strict protected Area in Uganda
This article examines the livelihoods and experiences of local people
after two decades of living close to a strict protected area
(PA). A total of 290 local PA neighbors and 60 key informants
were interviewed. Findings ...