The role of christian families in promoting youth apostolate in Bukwali parish in light of Apostolicam Actuositatem
The study aimed at assessing the role of the Christian Families in promoting youth apostolate in
Bukwali parish in light of Apostolicam Actuostatem. The researcher’s desired end of this study
was to bring awareness to the Christian families and the entire Christian community of Bukwali
parish about their role in the promotion of youth apostolate, as well as re-awakening the youth to
get more involved in the apostolate. The study adopted a descriptive survey design and employed
quantitative research as the main approach to guide the study. Data was collected by use of
questionnaires, FGD guide, and key informant guide. Questionnaires were administered to a
sample of 156 respondents within Bukwali Parish. The research utilized both primary and
secondary sources of data. The findings revealed that most Christian families do not fulfil their
parental roles in nurturing youth apostolate. Christian families need to promote a few religious
elements to their children which help in nurturing youth apostolate. These may include: Leading
prayers at meals, Reading Scriptures at home, praying together, giving the young ones Religious Articles
such as Rosary, medals etc. Witnessing faith by their exemplary life, the family members motivates the
youth to live a life worthy of serving God. The hierarchy out to support the family members in this big task
under the umbrella of Youth ministry. The researcher found out that walking together as people of
the same family is the best way to go. The clergy ought to cooperate with the laity the youth and
the laity at large for a successful apostolate to be realized. There are some challenges faced by the
youth in apostolate and these include: Religious pluralism, inadequate Christian formation,
misleading mass media, clericalism, and limited funds to facilitate apostolic activities, ignorance
about the scripture, poverty, and poor leadership, among others. The possible solutions include:
Need for an urgent Christian formation and training, strengthening catechetical instructions, make
use of modern mass media, fostering a good cooperation between the laity and clergy, empowering
Christian families, proper training youth leaders and the leaders of the laity at all levels in the
parish. In conclusion, the study confirms that all the laity of Bukwali parish must be involved in
apostolate by virtue of their baptism. They ought to exercise their sharing in three fold ministry of
Christ: priestly, prophetic and kingly office