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dc.contributor.authorSengendo, Yahaya Maseruka
dc.identifier.citationSengendo, Y. M. (2022). Contribution and challenges of international Islamic NGOs in the development of Uganda's muslim secondary education. (Unpublished Master's Dissertation). Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Arts in History of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation explores the various ways in which selected International Islamic NGOs namely World Muslim League, Direct Aid-Africa Muslim Agency and Munazzamat Dawa al Islamiyya have contributed to the development of Muslim founded Secondary Schools in Greater Mpigi district (Gomba, Butambala, Mawokota, Busiro and parts of Kyadondo County), as well as the challenges faced. Their intervention was upon the background that the early Arab traders who introduced Islam in Uganda did not construct schools for their followers because they were not full -time missionaries. The objectives of the study were to establish the nature of support extended by the International Islamic NGOs and the challenges faced in the process of supporting Muslim founded Secondary Schools in Greater Mpigi district. This study used qualitative research methods in data collection and analysis. The researcher used questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussions, informal conversation and documentary reviews in the process of data collection. The findings of this study reveal that over dependence on external funds has left International Islamic NGOs in a problematic situation, thereby affecting their support to the development of Muslim founded Secondary Schools. The assistance offered by International Islamic NGOs does not always correspond with the needs of the recipients. This is mainly because the IINGOs tend to focus on their primary aim of spreading their particular version of Islam through construction of local Madrasas (Islamic Religious Schools) where the conservative teaching of Islam is emphasized. They (International Islamic NGOs) therefore continue operating without necessarily solving the problems of the targeted population. It is always the donor who decides what to fund and these charitable organizations are more accountable to their funders than the recipients of their services. This has affected the development of Muslim founded Secondary Schools which are in dire need of external assistance. The researcher therefore, recommends a multidimensional approach where the government and the Muslims in general take collective responsibility and engage in a fruitful deliberation about solutions for the good of Muslim founded Secondary Schools in Greater Mpigi district. The researcher further recommends transparency among these International Islamic NGOs, active participation of Ugandans in the running of these Charitable Organizations and reducing over dependence on external assistance. The researcher believes that if these recommendations are implemented, the operation of Muslim founded Secondary Schools will improve, thereby enhancing the standards of education among Muslims of Uganda.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectinternational Islamic NGOsen_US
dc.subjectNon-governmental organizationsen_US
dc.subjectmuslim secondary educationen_US
dc.subjectsecondary educationen_US
dc.titleContribution and challenges of international Islamic NGOs in the development of Uganda's muslim secondary educationen_US

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