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dc.contributor.authorNampewo, Elizabeth
dc.identifier.citationNampweo, E. (2019). Design update and upgrading/reconstruction of selected Kampala city roads in Kawempe and Rubaga divisions. Unpublished Master's Thesis. Makerere University: Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the award of Masters Degree in Construction Management of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractKampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) receives funds under the National Road Fund and Central Government on an annual quarterly basis to maintain, rehabilitate, reconstruct and develop the road network infrastructure in Kampala City. Kampala Capital City Authority is mandated to ensure that the entire road infrastructure in the city is maintained and improved to acceptable motorable standards so as to facilitate free and smooth flow of traffic. KCCA identified the need for Design Update and Upgrading/Reconstruction of Selected Kampala City roads; Jakaana -0.65km, Nsooba-0.75km, Kafeero-0.8km, Lumasi-0.55km, Muganzi-Awongera-1.6km, and Waligo- 4.2km in Kawempe division and Bakuli market lane-1.0km, Nakibinge-Bawalakata-2.9km, Mackay-1.6km, Sembera-1.5km and Nalukongo Channel box culvert crossings at Sembule and Nalukolongo in Lubaga division. All the road links mentioned above are key collectors and arterials that supplement major arterials in their respective locations. A Works Contract was signed between M/s ENERGOPROJEKT NISKOGRADNJA Ltd and Kampala Capital City Authority on the 26th May 2016 and Works commenced on 17th June, 2016 and was to run for a period of 20 months. KCCA also engaged M/s Project Management and Engineering (PROME) Consultants Ltd to provide road consultancy services for supervision of the Upgrading/Reconstruction of the above mentioned city roads. The works consisted of: i) Design update services; ii) Site clearance (clearing & grubbing, removal & grubbing of trees, removal of unsuitable material to spoil); iii) Drainage works (closed pipe culvert drains and end structures); iv) Earthworks and pavement layers of mechanically modified gravel sub base, GCR (CRR) road base and asphalt concrete wearing course; and V) Ancillary works (road signs, road marking, street lighting bases, road humps e.t.c). The minimum road facilities required included: 6.5m wide carriageway, 1.5m wide cycle lanes in either directions, 2.0m raised pedestrian walkway over sub-surface storm drains along the roads, longitudinal and cross DN 250 PN6 uPVC services ducts, laybys and bus bays, kebstones made of G30 concrete with a tapered cross-section having a base of 200mm, top with pf 170mm, and height of 250mm, closed drains, road marking, speed humps and appropriate land scaping works. This report details contract/project management and supervision of works carried out during the implementation of the project. Some of the areas of project management focused on and discussed in the report include: quality control, financial/cost management, time management, environmental and social management, monitoring of the method of execution of works, and Monitoring of the insurances and variation of works, Traffic management, and management of the progress of the physical scope of works. The author participated in Contract management; project supervision & monitoring of the execution of works under the contract.en_US
dc.subjectDesign update and upgrading/reconstructionen_US
dc.subjectKampala city roadsen_US
dc.subjectKawempe and Rubaga divisions.en_US
dc.titleDesign update and upgrading/reconstruction of selected Kampala city roads in Kawempe and Rubaga divisions.en_US

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