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dc.contributor.authorOneka, Dennis
dc.descriptionThe recording is for a performance of the Lugbara traditional funeral dance. The songs included are;1) Akini mani enzoni (I thought it was a lie) which is a song for mourning the dead person, 2) Mi aci bali bali mi ede yia tru (If you move any how, you will fall in water) also sung while mourning, 3)Dra'do eca maru ozoo ru( the death has come for me like the rain I look for, 4)Traveller muki Arua, odaamiega ba mu( The traveller has gone to Arua, Odaa, you also get up and we go,5) Afa dru dru agonyazudi, enya oru ad'urua?( We eat pumpkin every day, what has happened to food? 6) Enyata be, angu ezaru b'o ewa ji ma dra dria (These days are not good, i have drunk poison in alcohol) 7)Oku nya i ma drile cfni nufiru (The selfish woman does not give food to people,8) Oku mu Lia ( The woman went to Lia market for food 9)Nu aci ngoroo ovuole( you walk around like a lazy person). These songs are performed during funerals while mourning for the dead and when articulating social issues that affect families among the Lugbara, such as laziness, disrespectful women and others. Songs that communicate social issues are normally performed during funerals because it is at funerals that a good number of people gather, hence becoming a time to educate the masses through music.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis is a recording of the Lugbara traditional funeral dance.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNORAD, Makerere University Klaus Wachsmann Audio Visual Archiveen_US
dc.subjectClan historyen_US
dc.titleLugbara funeral danceen_US
dc.typeRecording, musicalen_US

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