Now showing items 338-357 of 425

      Labour productivity among small-and medium-scale enterprises in Uganda: the role of innovation [1]
      Lending rates and performance of microfinance institutions in Uganda: a case study of Pride Microfinance [1]
      The level of Influence of the Eucharistic celebration on the Catholic Family Social Life in Busuubizi Catholic Parish. [1]
      Macro Economic Determinants of Balance of Trade: The Case of Uganda [1]
      Macroeconomic determinants of domestic revenue in Uganda for the period 1999 to 2017 [1]
      Macroeconomic determinants of savings in Uganda [1]
      Macroeconomic determinants of tax revenue growth in Uganda (1985 - 2019) [1]
      Macroeconomic determinants of unemployment rate in Uganda [1]
      Market orientation, cultural awareness and performance of multinational firms: A case of multinational firms in Uganda [1]
      Mobile money services and financial inclusion in rural areas of Uganda: A case study of Bukomansimbi [1]
      Mobile money services and financial inclusion in rural Uganda, a case study of mobile money users in Buikwe district [1]
      Modeling the demand for money at a micro level: A case of Uganda [1]
      Monetary Policy Framework and Economic Growth in Uganda: Effectiveness of Inflation Targeting Framework [1]
      Money demand and financial innovation: evidence from Africa [1]
      Monitoring and evaluation systems for better service delivery among donor funded projects in Uganda: A case of malaria control program [1]
      Motivation and teachers’ productivity in private and public schools in Kira municipality, Wakiso district [1]
      Multidimensional Poverty and Its Determinants: A Longitudinal Perspective [1]
      Nandago, M.G. (2022). Effect of education on the performance of internal migrants' business in Uganda: a study on small and medium enterprises. [1]
      Non-performing loans in Barclays Bank Uganda [1]
      Official development assistance and its impact on economic growth: Uganda's case (1980-2015) [1]