Influence of HIV/AIDS on Universal Primary Education: a case of Busimbi Sub-county Mityana District Uganda.
The study focused on the influence of HIV/AIDS on universal primary education, case of Busimbi sub county Mityana district. The study was guided by the following objectives.
To investigate the extent to which HIV/AIDS affect the quality of teachers.
To establish the extent to which HIV/AIDS affect pupil’s enrollment
To investigate the extent to which HIV/AIDS affect pupil’s completion of primary education
The study used a cross sectional research design, which the researcher judged appropriate in obtaining the required information, since it also provided for the use of various instrument like questionnaires and interviews. Data was collected from one hundred ninety seven teachers, who were selected using stratified random sampling to fill the questionnaires and from ten head teachers that were purposely selected for interviews. A review of the relevant written documents was also made to supplement the primary data. Data was presented and analyzed using SPSS,Quantitave data was analyzed through the use of frequency counts, computation of percentages and graphs. Results from interview schedule were analyzed by using content analysis according to the themes.
The study revealed that absenting from school to attend to close family members affected by HIV/AIDS, attending funeral ceremonies, irregular attendance by teachers doing income generating activities and increased work load, significantly affect the quality of teachers. It was also reveled that, stigma attached to being HIV positive, sudden increase in poverty, inability to pay school related costs and parent's doubtful of education to their HIV positive children influence pupils enrollment. Finally it was found out that, looking after sick parents or relatives, lack of support from schools for orphans and death of parents affect pupil’s completion of primary education.
The study concluded that HIV/AIDS related effects significantly influence the quality of teachers.
The epidemic also has a substantial influence on pupil’s enrollment; finally, the number of pupils dropping out of school has increased due to various HIV related phenomena affecting children.
The study made several recommendations, which included:
The government should invest more resources in education sector, this would entail, catering for most of school costs like textbooks, school uniforms, lunch etc. An up ward adjustment in salaries of primary teachers to the level of other professions of same academic levels by the government, also free treatment for HIV positive teachers could do lot to reduce teacher `s absenteeism who are always off school duties doing other income generating activities. Further, the government should come out with clear policy that exempt orphans from paying both direct and non-direct school dues if high level of school enrollment and decrease in drop out rates are to be realized.