Local council system and promotion of community return and resettlement: a case study of Amuru District, Uganda
This study was designed to investigate the performance of the Local Council system in
Promoting reintegration in Amuru district. The specific objectives of the study were to analyze the different services offered by the Local Council system in promoting community reintegration in Amuru district, the existing partnership, challenges facing the Local Council system in promoting reintegration and possible remedies or strategies to be used in fostering reintegration in Amuru. The research used qualitative and quantitative approaches where a sample of 120 respondents participated in the study. The research findings revealed that there are several specific activities which the Local Council system is providing as part of the reintegration process. The major ones cover land issues, conflict/ disputes resolutions, documentation/records and mobilizing the members to participate in community services. The findings also show that there are key partners working alongside the Local Council system to promote the process of
reintegration. There were also several challenges which the respondents identified and they equally suggested appropriate remedies to solve such problems. The researcher therefore recommended several measures to improve return and resettlement programme in Amuru district through the Local Council System.