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dc.contributor.authorKiggundu, Herbert
dc.identifier.citationKiggundu, H. (2010). The influence of discipline management by head teachers on students' academic performance in selected private secondary schools of Busiro County in Wakiso District. Unpublished Masters thesis, Makerere University, Ugandaen_US
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment as a requirement for the Award of Degree of Masters of Arts in Educational Management of Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to establish the influence of discipline management on students’ academic performance. The study was conducted under three research objectives. These were; to establish how the management of school rules influences students’ academic performance, to establish how time management influences students’ academic performance, to establish how the administration of punishments influences students’ academic performance. The study employed survey research design particularly cross sectional survey design. Questionnaire was the main instrument of data collection in addition to interview guide and document review. Four private secondary schools were randomly selected in Busiro County of Wakiso District in which the study was conducted. The major findings of the study were; all schools have written rules and regulations but which they don’t understand, some rules and regulations require modifications and others lack consistence in their implementation, which raises students’ anger leading to violence, strikes and aggression. Also time is poorly managed in school where the designed timetables are not respected. Punishments were found to be unfairly administered that causes dissatisfaction, anger and thus inducing acts of indiscipline such as strikes, vandalism of school property as well as violence among students. The study came up with the following conclusions based on the study findings; much as school rules help in controlling students’ behavior in the school, their awareness is lacking among students. Also time being a scarce resource and need to be well planned for through a time schedule, this timetable lack respect and therefore not followed as expected causing indiscipline among students. Punishments were also found to be poorly administered to students, which create chaos in schools characterized with school property destruction, and thus affecting students’ general academic performance. The study also proposed some recommendations to deal with the wide spread and increasing levels of indiscipline among adolescent youths in secondary schools in Uganda. These include, strengthening school rules and regulations, strengthening counseling and guidance in schools than expelling them, having a uniform discipline code, which will assist parents, students and other stakeholders to appreciate the role of punishments in schools. In addition a strong parentteacher relationship need to be established so as to address the effects of indiscipline in schools, and also head teachers should be the role models of discipline if this struggle is to achieve its objectives.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectDiscipline Managementen_US
dc.subjectStudents' academic performanceen_US
dc.subjectBusiro Countyen_US
dc.subjectWakiso Districten_US
dc.titleThe influence of discipline management by Headteachers on students' academic performance in selected private secondary Schools of Busiro County in Wakiso District.en_US

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