Now showing items 109-126 of 126

      Sero-prevalence and risk factors of peste des petit ruminants in Nakasongola and Nakaseke districts of Uganda [1]
      Sero-prevalence of and risk factors for Brucellosis in sheep and goats in Gweri and Aukot in Soroti district, Uganda [1]
      Serological and molecular epidemiology of Zoonotic Rickettsia in Arthropod vectors and humans in selected districts of Uganda [1]
      Serological and virological investigations on an emerging Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus infection in sheep and goats in Tanzania [2]
      Serological studies of Foot and Mouth disease in selected areas of Uganda with a focus on situation in cattle [1]
      Seroprevalence and excretion status of Salmonella pullorum-gallinarum in chicken around Kampala Uganda [1]
      Seroprevalence and risk factors for exposure of free-range poultry to avian influenza viruses in important bird areas in Uganda. [1]
      Seroprevalence and risk factors of brucellosis in cattle in Gulu and Amuru Districts, Northern Uganda [1]
      A situation analysis of priority farm enterprises and technology adoption status in the South West highlands of Uganda [1]
      Socio economic factors influencing goat production and consumption of goat meat by the rural population in selected districts in the cattle corridor of Uganda [1]
      Socio-economic effects of climate change among communities surrounding Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda : a gender perspective [1]
      Socio-economic factors influencing control of vector-borne diseases in the pastoralist system of South Western Uganda [1]
      Socio-economic impact of dairy cattle zero grazing production system on the livelihoods of the rural poor in Uganda : a case study of Sironko Dairy Heifer Project [1]
      Soil borne helminths and microbial contamination of longhorn grasshoppers (ruspolia differens) from selected districts of central Uganda [1]
      Species and genotypic diversity of non-tuberculous mycobacteria isolated from children investigated for pulmonary tuberculosis at the Iganga/Mayuge demographic surveillance site [1]
      Thyroid function among diabetic patients at Mengo Hospital Kampala [1]
      Treatment of East Coast Fever of cattle with a combination of Parvaquone and Frusmide [1]
      Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense Transmitted by a Single Tsetse Fly Bite in Vervet Monkeys as a Model of Human African Trypanosomiasis [1]