Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Distinguishing kaolinites and smectite clays from Central and Eastern Uganda using acidity, pH, colour and composition
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2015)
The Langmuir isotherms of 1-aminobutane in isohexane slurries showed increase in clay acidity
with increase in concentration of mineral acid used to leach the clay as well as the temperature at
which the clay was thermally ...
Upgrading and characterization of smectite from selected volcanic sediments of Eastern Uganda
Natural clays occur as mixtures of many clay minerals and remains of the rocks that underwent diagenesis to yield the clays. As weathering of clay soils never ceases it may not be possible to mine single clay minerals. The ...
The elemental, mineralogical, IR, DTA and XRD analyses characterized clays and clay minerals of Central and Eastern Uganda
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2015)
The results on the elemental and mineralogical compositions of clays from Central Uganda differed
from those from the volcanic sediments of the Mt. Elgon in Eastern Uganda. Utilisation of the
two types of clays should ...