Now showing items 386-405 of 456

      SACCOs’ response to Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority (UMRA) new rules and regulations in Mbarara District [1]
      School feeding program and its effects on pupils’ outcomes in Ongino Sub –County, Kumi District [1]
      School violence, mental health, and educational performance in Uganda [1]
      Secondary education and the promotion of adolescents’ reproductive health services: A case of Kampala Secondary Schools, Uganda [1]
      Securing insecure livelihoods through group synergies: the case of violent Namatala transboundary wetland in Rural Eastern Uganda [1]
      Security effects of refugees on host communities in Uganda: a case study of Rwamwanja refugee site [1]
      Security opportunities and risks associated with the standard gauge railway (SGR) in Kenya [1]
      Self help groups and economic empowerment of women in Namayumba sub county, Wakiso district [1]
      Self-help initiatives in fighting poverty in war-ravaged situations: a case of Lango Sub-Region, Northern Uganda, 1995-2008 [1]
      Social and cultural acceptance of child marriages among the Basoga [1]
      Social construction of sexual risk for HIV and behavioural change among youth in Masaka and Kampala Districts [1]
      Social cultural factors and the persistence of malaria among the under five-year-old children in Kisenyi slum area [1]
      Social distancing in indigenous health-seeking knowledge for epidemic control used in Bundibugyo Ebola outbreak [1]
      Social economic factors associated with the nutritional status of children in Kasese District [1]
      Social service delivery to refugees in Uganda: A case of Congolese Refugees in Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement, Kamwenge District. [1]
      Socio-cultural factors in forestry utilisation in Mabira forest, Buikwe District [1]
      Socio-cultural factors influencing accessibility and utilization of HIV/AIDS prevention information among out-of-school adolescents in Rakai District [1]
      Socio-cultural perspectives on sexual and reproductive health of pastoral adolescent girls in Moroto District, Uganda [1]
      The socio-economic and political effects of refugees in northern Uganda 1986.2020 [1]
      Socio-economic challenges of elderly persons in Kasangombe Sub-county, Nakaseke District [1]