The effectiveness of value engineering in the design review and construction supervision of residential apartments on Plot 165, Block 32, Rubaga Division, Kampala District
This project report assesses the effectiveness of Value Engineering (VE) in the design review and construction supervision of a three-story residential apartment on Plot 165, Block 32, Mutundwe, Rubaga Division, Kampala district, Uganda. The study employed a systematic approach, integrating VE principles throughout the project lifecycle, from initial design conception to final construction. The methodology involved a multidisciplinary team, rigorous comparative analysis of design alternatives, and iterative validation at key stages. Key material and structural component substitutions were explored and analyzed to demonstrate cost-effectiveness and sustainability improvements. The core findings highlight significant cost savings achieved through the implementation of VE recommendations. Specific cost reductions included a 23.46% decrease by replacing solid concrete blocks with hollow blocks; a 51.6% reduction by switching from clay roofing tiles to iron sheets; and a 20.3% decrease in concrete costs by substituting grade C30 with C25. Foundation design optimization through reduced hardcore thickness and the use of A98 instead of A142 BRC mesh yielded further cost savings. Overall, the project's initial budget of UGX 650,012,012 was reduced to UGX 578,962,521 - a 10.93% decrease, demonstrating the substantial financial benefits of incorporating VE. Beyond cost savings, the study showed improvements in design efficiency and sustainability. The iterative process enabled the team to identify and address potential issues early, resulting in a robust and reliable final design. The use of lighter and more energy-efficient materials contributed to sustainability goals. The report concludes that VE is a crucial tool for enhancing project value, particularly in infrastructure projects. Recommendations include formalizing VE as a standard practice, providing training to stakeholders, and maintaining detailed records for continuous improvement. This systematic and data-driven approach is proposed to further embed VE principles into the Ugandan construction industry.