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dc.contributor.authorOtafire, Henry
dc.identifier.citationOtafire, H. (2022). The prospects and challenges of the realization of the East African Political Federation (Unpublished master's dissertation). Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA concept paper submitted for the fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of Master of Arts in International Relations and Diplomatic Studies of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study set out to investigate the relationship between globalization and the realization of the East African political federation. It was guided by three research questions which were on the effects of globalization forces on the realization of an East African political federation; the progress of the East Africa Community concerning Political Federation and the response mechanisms being taken by member states to realize the achievement of the political federation of the East African community countries. It adopted a neo-functionalist theory of integration whose assumptions explain the arguments in this study. Data were collected through documentary review and they were analysed using both thematic and content analyses. The major findings of the study indicated that although globalization can affect the realization of the East African federation, it has been perceived by the member states as a threat to their participation in international engagements with hopes that a political federation gives them a concerted advantage and strength to bargain internationally. This was reflected in the rate of progression that is promising and the various mechanisms that have been put in place ranging from the customs union, common market, legislature, judiciary and executive organs, anthem, passport, the legal colours and monetary union, court of arms, the flag, the court of arms, budget, implementation of diplomatic relations and protocols. These and others reveal the political zeal exhibited by heads of the state towards the realization of a political federation amidst several challenges. Globalization has exposed the EAC member states to the political crises in other states such as those in South Sudan, in DRC, political-economic exploitation by the west built on a Zero-sum entanglement than a positive one, has rendered the structures of the EAC weak, non-existent cross-border linkages, and autonomous leadership, strong shopfloor organization and so on. Globalization has had an impact on cross-border legislation, and investment and the place of labour in such processes are necessary. Therefore, the need to involve the people of East Africa indirect elections before Political federation and devolution of power ought to be undertaken rather than following external actors’ interests because one of the new realities in the hopes for the realization of political federation among different regional economic integration is globalization and the preponderance of assertive non-state actors have forced states to come up with strategies of remaining relevant in this new dispensation.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectEast African Political Federationen_US
dc.titleThe prospects and challenges of the realization of the East African Political Federationen_US

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