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Now showing items 1-20 of 45
Access to health care for febrile children in Uganda: symptom recognition, care seeking practices and provider choice
(Karolinska Institutet and Makerere University, 2009)Background: Febrile illnesses including malaria and pneumonia are leading causes of death among children under five in Uganda. Despite government efforts to increase health care access by offering free services at government ... -
African animal and human trypanosomiasis in South Eastern Uganda: animal reservoirs, vector competence and characterisation of trypanosoma brucei isolates
(2008-12-09)This study was designed to investigate the factors responsible for the persistence of sleeping sickness in southeastern Uganda. In addition to the general aspects, this investigation was specifically designed to study the ... -
Antimalarial drug levels in biological samples: methods and applications.
(2008-09)This thesis deals with the development and validation of analytical methods that are field-adapted and their application in the determination of antimalarial drug levels in biological samples. These methods are suitable ... -
Art and Gender: Imag[in]ing the new woman in contemporary Ugandan art, Book 1
(University of South Africa, 2012-04)This thesis is based on the belief that representations of women in contemporary Ugandan art serve cultural and political purposes. The premise is that the autonomous woman (seen as the new woman in this study), emerging ... -
Art in Uganda in the 20th century
(University of London, 2003)This study examines the major trends and transformations in Uganda’s modern art practice since its inception at Makerere in the 1930s by Margaret Trowell. In the early stages of its development, Trowell was driven by her ... -
Assessing institutional medical policies in places of work: a case study of DFCU Bank, Kampala District
(2011-03)This study is set out to examine medical policies in organisations / places of work. It was carried out in DFCU Bank using five purposively selected branches. The study was guided by two major objectives of; (i) Finding ... -
Balanites aegyptiaca: A resource for improving nutrition and income of dryland communities in Uganda
(Bangor University, 2010-06)Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. (desert date), an important but neglected indigenous fruit tree in the drylands of Uganda was studied with the aim of understanding its local use and management as a prerequisite for its ... -
Characteristics of acceptors of Planned Parenthood at Mbale Family Planning Clinic
(1979)The Concept of Planned Parenthood:- Definition and Synonyms:- A common misconception by the layman is to regard Planned Parenthood as a method of stopping to produce anymore children. In Public Health parlance, this has a ... -
Coloured sculpture: an analytical visual study of the use of colour in sculpture: a guide to a practical study of the use of colour in sculpture in Uganda with special reference to Makerere University School of Fine Art
(2013-07-05)The principle objective of this study is to find out whether the enhancement of sculpture content, could be achieved through practical study and use of colour and it's effects. In order to achieve the above, the researcher ... -
Corporate social responsibility: a competitive strategy for small and medium-sized enterprises in Uganda
(2012-03)In view of the important role small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) universally play as the backbone of national economies and the survival and competitiveness challenges that they face, the purpose of this study was ... -
Correlates of research output: the case of public universities in Uganda
(2010-08)This study was occasioned by serious concern and a lot of criticism about the quality and quantity of research output in Public Universities in Uganda. The research function in Public Universities in Uganda seems to have ... -
Cultural explanatory models of depression in Uganda
(Karolinska University Press, 2006)Background: Depressive disorders are among the most frequent psychiatric disorders, accounting for up to 30% of primary care service utilisation in developing countries in general, and Uganda in particular. However, delays ... -
Determinants of Commercial Bank performance in Sub-Saharan Africa
(Makerere University, 2012-11)The central theme of this research was to investigate the determinants of commercial bank performance in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Specifically the focus was on profitability and total factor productivity growth as key ... -
Development of an energy dense finger millet based complementary food free of antinutritional factors
(2010-06)Background The transition from exclusive breastfeeding to family foods, referred to as complementary feeding, is a very vulnerable phase that typically covers the period from 6 to 24 months of age of infants and young ... -
Development of nutrient management strategies along a continuum of dairy production intensification in Uganda
(2008-01)Soil fertility decline is a leading form of land productivity degradation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Colossal quantities of nutrients are removed annually from soils, especially through crop harvests, unreciprocated by nutrient ... -
Domestic violence during pregnancy in Uganda: the social context, biomedical consequences and relationship with induced abortion
(Axis Printers, 2006-05)Background: The 2000/2001 Uganda Demographic and Health Surveillance report indicated that domestic violence, unwanted pregnancies and induced abortion were common reproductive health problems in Uganda. Women’s and men’s ... -
Effects of planted fallows and tillage practices on organic matter fractions, nutrient availability and maize yield in Colombian soils
(Universitetet for miljo-og biovitenskap, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) and Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropica (CIAT), 2004)In many tropical areas, soils are rapidly degrading because of overgrazing and only short periods of fallow in agriculture. Methods to improve and/or maintain soil fertility, for example intercropping with trees, improved ... -
Epidemiological study of selected viral pathogens and assessment of responses to polio vaccines in semi- captive chimpanzees in Uganda.
(2011-05)The high influx of non-human primates (NHP) including apes into sanctuaries that have increased in numbers in the last two decades across Africa’s equatorial region is of great concern. There were no studies conducted ... -
An ethnographic study of rural community literacy pactices in Bweyale and their implication for adult literacy education in Uganda
(University of Kwazulu-Natal, 2008-03-15)This was a study of rural community literacy practices in Uganda. I used the social practices theory of literacy as a theoretical framework to investigate literacy use in rural community life in Bweyale. The social practices ... -
An evaluation framework for large-scale ontology-based biomedical data integrated systems
(Makerere University, 2009-07)There has been an emergence of various ontologies describing data from either the clinical or biological domains. Associated with this has been the development of biomedical ontologies using various strategies to integrate ...