School of Forestry, Environmental and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS): Recent submissions
Now showing items 581-600 of 622
Gap characteristics and regeneraion in Bwindi Impenerable National Park, Uganda
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2004)Before Bwindi Impenetrable forest, Uganda, became a national park in 1991, there was a high level of human activity in much of the forest, especially cutting of large trees for timber by pitsawyers. This created extensive ... -
Case study - Property rights: access to land and forest resources in Uganda
(Oxford University Press, 2001)Property rights influence the incentives and the behavior of individuals within a community with respect to rules that each and every person must observe in his/her interactions with other people (Hallowell 1943; Bromley ... -
Bamboo regeneration and succession in Echuya
(2003-05-28)Echuya was gazetted in 1939 as 'a Forest Reserve. At that time, the forest vegetation consisted of dense evergreen stands of Arundinaria alpina (bamboo) (Howard 1991). Kingston (1968) report that in 1947the bamboo stems ... -
Farmers' perception of the relevance of agricultural technologies under Plan for Modernization of Agriculture in Uganda
(National Agricultural Research Organisation, 2006-09)This paper investigates the farmers' awareness and perception of the relevance of agricultural technologies under the Plan for Modernization of Agriculture (PMA). A survey was conducted between July and October 2003 in the ... -
Land resource degradation and poor farming community in South-Eastern Uganda
(Green World Foundation (GWF), 2009-11)This paper examines the effect of soil conservation practices and household characteristics to poverty levels among the farming community in South Eastern Uganda. Using random sampling method, 120 respondents from the ... -
Financial efficiency of improved fallow agroforestry technology for bean production in Kakooge Sub-county, Nakasongola District, Uganda
(National Agricultural Research Organisation, 2006-07)The incidence, intensity and effects of nematode infection in the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, in Lake Wamala and their biological characteristics, were investigated. Six hundred and thirty fish were examined using ... -
Farmers' adoption of rotational woodlot technology in Kigorobya Sub-County of Hoima District, Western Uganda
(Ethnobotany Research & Applications, 2008)This paper evaluates, using logistic and multiple regression analyses, the socio-economic factors that influence farmers’ decisions to adopt rotational woodlot technology in the farming systems of Uganda, based on a household ... -
Estimating fruit yield from Vitex payos (Lour) Merr. In semi-arid Eastern province of Kenya: application of allometric equations.
(Medwell Journals, 2011)Vitex payos (Lour) Merr. is a common species in the semi-arid areas of Eastern Kenya. It is a favoured species and is frequently maintained in homestead plots and arable fields in an agroforestry situation. Although the ... -
Efforts by small-scale farmers to maintain soil fertility and their impacts on soil properties, Luwero District, Uganda
(The Haworth Press, 2006)Low soil fertility remains a major reason for rural poverty in sub-Saharan Africa. In light of the need to set priorities and formulate development policies, this study investigates efforts by farmers in central Uganda to ... -
Efficacy of forestry conservation policy on rural livelihoods in Uganda: evidence from Mabira Forest Reserve
(Medwell Publishing, 2009)A study was conducted from 2005-2007 in areas around Mabira Forest Reserve, Central Uganda. The objectives were to assess: awareness of the local communities about the current Forest Policy in Uganda, the local communities’ ... -
Commercialization of ruspolia nitidula (Nsenene Grasshoppers) in Central Uganda.
(Agea, J. G., Biryomumaisho, D., Buyinza, M., Nabanoga, G.N. (2008). Commercialization of ruspolia nitidula (Nsenene Grasshoppers) in Central Uganda. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND), 8(3) 319-33, 2008-09)Trade in Ruspolia nitidula commonly known as grasshopper and locally known, as Nsenene is becoming a valuable source of income for many poor people in central Uganda, which although modest in terms of monetary value, could ... -
Bio-energy production and consumption options for forest conservation in Uganda
(Medwell Journals, 2008)This study examines the effectiveness of selected policy options for increasing fuelwood supplies or decreasing fuelwood demand in Hoima district, Uganda. On the supply side, a benefit-cost analysis is done on a government ... -
Diversity of indigenous fruit trees in the traditional cotton-millet farming system: the case of Adwari Sub-county, Lira district, Uganda.
(2007)A field survey on indigenous fruit tree species (IFTS) was conducted in Adwari subcounty, Lira district between August 2004 and March 2005. The objectives were to: determine IFTS diversity in the traditional farming system; ... -
Attitudes of out-of-school youths towards tree planting activities in Central Uganda: a case study of Masaka District
(Academy Science Publishers, 2009)This study assessed the attitudes of out-of-school youths towards tree planting activities in Masaka district, Central Uganda. Data were collected using 104 semi-structured questionnaires. Logistic regression was used to ... -
Attitudes of local communities towards forest management practices in Uganda: the case of Budongo Forest Reserve
(1998)Positive attitudes of local communities towards forest management practices are an essential prerequisite for local participation in forest management. In Budongo Forest Reserve, local communities have negative attitudes ... -
Assessment of the effectiveness of individual and group extension methods: a case study of Vi-Agroforestry project in Uganda
(Medwell Journals, 2008)Currently, in Uganda there is no well-defined forestry extension service despite the emphasis in the policy to establish extension services to assist farmers to grow their own trees. Many agricultural service providers ... -
Allometric growth relationships of East Africa highland bananas (Musa spp., AAA-EAHB) cv. Kisansa and Mbwazirume
(Association of Applied Biologists, 2009)Highland bananas are an important staple food in East Africa, but there is little information on their physiology and growth patterns. This makes it difficult to identify opportunities for yield improvement. We studied ... -
Agroforestry practices in the buffer zone area of Mt Elgon National Park, Eastern Uganda
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2007)In this study, we investigated the attitude of local people towards the contribution of agroforestry practices to socioeconomic development in the buffer zone area of Mt Elgon National Park, Uganda. Primary data were ... -
Provisional methodology for the assessment of trees outside forests (TOF) in Uganda.
(2002)Trees outside forest reserves are characterized by relatively small sizes, multiplicity of ownership and by diverse character of individual woodlots scattered over the country. Little data currently exist on forests outside ... -
Assessment of water and sanitation provision to Internally Displaced Persons’ of Lira urban camps.
(2011-03-15)Approximately over 2 billion IDPs now live in urban areas, and the great majority of these are in Africa, Asia and some Latin American states. Thousands of them suffer illness from preventable diseases related to poor water ...