School of Forestry, Environmental and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS): Recent submissions
Now showing items 561-580 of 622
Timber use practices in Uganda’s building construction industry: current situation and future prospects
(The Wood Technology Society of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, 2009)The timber utilisation practices in the Ugandan construction industry were examined to identify research and development prospects. The research was focused on the main issues of engineering concerns regarding timber ... -
Quantification of monetary losses due to illegal pit-sawing in Budongo Forest, Uganda
(Commonwealth Forestry Association, 2007)The paper examines the financial implications of both abandoned and destroyed wood by illegal pit-sawers in Budongo Forest, Uganda. It also compares the intensity of pit-sawing in the Strict Nature Reserve (SNR) and the ... -
Termites (Isoptera) as food in the Luhya Community (Western Kenya)
(California State University, 2010)The traditional use of termites as a source of food is still widespread in tropical Africa. We conducted a survey around Kakamega forest (Western Kenya) to evaluate the indigenous knowledge of a local community (Luhya) ... -
A qualitative evaluation of alternative development strategies for Ugandan fisheries
(The International Food Policy Research Institute, 2004-09)The fisheries sector contributes greatly to the Ugandan economy in terms of income; employment and export revenue; yet recent developments, especially the reducing fish stocks, are posing a big threat to the sector. This ... -
Technical and institutional capacity in local organisations to manage decentralised forest resources in Uganda
(Southern African Institute of Forestry, 2006-11)Uganda is one of the sub-Saharan African countries that has devolved the management of forest resources. Meaningful devolution, however, requires that local governments and other community organisations should have capacity ... -
Phenology of figs in Budongo Forest Uganda and its importance for the chimpanzee diet
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2003)This paper reports on the phonological patterns of figs in Budongo Forest, Uganda, and how it relates to chimpanzee food availability in different seasons. In addition, we analysed the dung of chimpanzees to understand the ... -
Socio-economic determinants of farmers' adoption of rotational woodlot technology in Kigoryobya sub-county, Hoima district, Uganda
(South African Journal of Agricultural Extension, 2008)Understanding the factors affecting farmers’ adoption of rotational woodlot technologies is critical to the success of implementing tree planting programmes. This paper evaluates, using logistic and multiple regression ... -
Perennial biomass production in arid mangrove systems on the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia
(Medwell Joumals, 2012)Above and below biomass production were estimated in two Avicennia marina mangrove stands in Yanbu and Shuaiba region on the Red sea coast of Saudi Arabia. Allometric equations were used to estimate above ground biomasses ... -
Site specific soil conservation strategies around Mt. Elgon National Park, Eastern Uganda
(Medwell Journals, 2007)This study investigates the site specific soil conservation strategies adopted by farmers to control land degradation around Mt. Elgon National Park, Uganda. Primary data were obtained through household survey conducted ... -
Resilient conservation farming systems and land degradation in Bungokho Mutoto Ridge of Mt. Elgon Watershed, Eastern Uganda
(Medwell Journals, 2008)With reference to sustaining the mountainous farming systems in eastern Uganda, this study presents some insights into the prime ecological and economic impacts of land degradation in Bunghoko Mutoto ridge of Mt. Elgon ... -
Relationships between drying defect parameters and some growth characteristics in kiln-dried South African grown Eucalyptus grandis poles
(Springer-Verlag, 2009-10-18)Eucalyptus grandis wood is susceptible to serious drying defects and all possible measures before and during kiln drying of poles need to be taken to minimize the defects. In order to identify factors that may affect drying ... -
Plant communities of a semi-deciduous tropical rainforest in north-western Uganda: role of soil and anthropogenic factors
(Gebrueder Borntraeger, 2008-11-18)Forest plant communities were described using two floristic data sets (accompanied by data on soil and former management practices) from the Budongo Forest Reserve (BFR), Uganda – a semi-deciduous tropical rainforest. The ... -
Patterns of frugivory of the Budongo Forest chimpanzees, Uganda
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2005)Frugivory patterns of the chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda were studied between June 2000 and August 2001. Chimpanzee feeding habitats, movement, group size and food eaten were assessed using focal and ... -
Multi-criteria assessment of community forestry program in Uganda
(Medwell Journals, 2008)In Uganda, a large diversity of community initiated forest management systems have evolved recently in response to severe degradation of forests and grazing land and biomass shortages. Forestry professional, forest user ... -
Mineral fertilizer response and nutrient use efficiencies of East African highland banana (Musa spp., AAA-EAHB, cv. Kisansa)
(Elsevier, 2010)The poor yield of East African highland bananas (Musa spp., AAA-EAHB) on smallholder farms has been attributed to problems of poor soil fertility. The effects of mineral fertilizers on crop performance were measured at two ... -
Linking forest tenure and anthropogenic factors with institutions and the effectiveness of management in Mpigi forests, Central Uganda
(National Inquiry Services Centre (NISC), 2008)This paper reveals the investigated effects of forest tenure and physical and socioeconomic correlates on conservation and management of forests in the Mpigi District, Central Uganda. Tree diversity was surveyed in 156 ... -
Land-use intensity in the tree cropping homesteads in Kamuli, Eastern Uganda
(Medwell Publishing, 2009)A farm-level study on the adoption of community forestry was conducted in Kamuli district, Uganda between July and September 2007. Total 223 farmers were surveyed in fourteen villages. The 2 zones have distinct agro ... -
Land tenure systems and extension methods: assessment of agroforestry adoption in Kalungu Sub-county, Masaka District, Uganda
(2008)An assessment of the role of land tenure system and choice of extension method on adoption of agroforestry practices was conducted in Kalungu sub-county; Masaka district, Uganda. Questionnaires were administered to 55 ... -
Gender mainstreaming and community participation in plant resource conservation in Buzaya county, Kamuli district, Uganda
(Blackwell Publishing, 2007)The distribution of property rights to land and natural resources underlies the differential control of men and women over productive resources. This article investigates the role played by women in conservation of plant ...