School of Forestry, Environmental and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS): Recent submissions
Now showing items 541-560 of 622
Predicting the functional role of forest tree species in restoring degraded forests: a case of Mabira Forest, Uganda
(2009-08)This dissertation is structured into three chapters; that is General introduction and two manuscripts. Chapter One describes the background and scope of the study. Chapter Two is titled “Patterns of Specific Leaf area of ... -
An overview of history and development of forest policy and legislation in Uganda
(International Forestry Review., 2008)This paper examines the evolution of forest policy and legislation in Uganda from the colonial times to the present day and its impact and outcomes on the forest sector and livelihoods of local communities. It highlights ... -
Potential for community-based forest resource management in Uganda: the case of non-gazetted forests of Hoima and Masindi districts, western Uganda
(Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 1994)Uganda's forest resources are important for the country's growth and development. Though there is in place a mechanism for controlled use of gazetted forests, lack of an organised management institution has left common ... -
The ecological changes of Echuya afromontane bamboo forest, Uganda
(East African Wild Life Society., 2001)Echuya forest reserve was gazetted in 1939 and was then mainly a bamboo forest with very few hardwood trees. However, the current ecological situation shows that hardwood trees are replacing bamboo. This study analysed the ... -
Ecological changes following rules in use and anthropology: the case of Echuya bamboo forest, south-western Uganda
(The Uganda Society, 2004)At the time of reservation in 1935, Echuya Forest Reserve located in S. Western Uganda was dominated by bamboo (Arundinaria alpina Schum) vegetation. Presently, the bamboo vegetation is being replaced by hardwood tree ... -
Busowe Nature Reserve and Kabunja Private Forest and their users
(UFRIC, 2003-08) -
Local capacity to manage forest resources under a decentralized system of governance: the case study of Uganda
(University of Stellenbosch, 2006-01)The study aims at examining technical and institutional capacity in local organizations to manage decentralized forests resources in Uganda. Specially the study assessed the roles, responsibilities, powers and legal ... -
Dynamics of access to forest and tree resources for rural livelihoods in Rakai and Luweero districts
(2010-05)The dynamics of access to forest and tree resources was assessed in Rakai and Luweero districts of central Uganda between November 2007 and July 2008. The study aimed at addressing a gap in knowledge of forest and tree ... -
Bamboo regeneration and succession in Echuya
(NARO, 2003-05-28)Echuya was gazetted in 1939 as 'a Forest Reserve. At that time, the forest vegetation consisted of dense evergreen stands of Arundinaria alpina (bamboo) (Howard 1991). .Kingston (1968) report that in 1947the bamboo stems ... -
Consumer satisfaction with solid wood furniture produced by small scale enterprises in Uganda
(2009-08)Like many other sectors, Small and Micro Scale Wood Furniture Enterprises in Uganda are facing increasing competition pressure from imports. Changing consumer preferences and liberalization of the economy are exposing the ... -
Echuya forest reserve and its users
(UFRIC, 1999) -
Conservation and local utilization of key anti-malarial medicinal plants in the Sango Bay area, southern Uganda
(2008-07)This study was conducted in Sango Bay, Southern Uganda between 2006 and 2007. The aim was to develop strategies for promoting conservation of key anti-malarial plants. The objectives were to determine the relationship ... -
A comparative phenology analysis of commercially and non- commercially valued timber tree species in Budongo Central Forest Reserve, Western Uganda
(2011)Flowering and fruiting phenology of commercially and non- commercially valued timber tree species in Budongo CFR in western Uganda are highly variable over time, resulting in periods of relative resource abundances and ... -
Evaluation of watershed management in and around Echuya Forest Reserve, Western Uganda
(2010-08)The study was about watershed management for preservation, conservation and sustainable use of resources. The study was carried out in Kabale and Kisoro districts in the Kigezi Highlands where population pressure on land ... -
Balanites aegyptiaca: A resource for improving nutrition and income of dryland communities in Uganda
(Bangor University, 2010-06)Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. (desert date), an important but neglected indigenous fruit tree in the drylands of Uganda was studied with the aim of understanding its local use and management as a prerequisite for its ... -
Variations in Leptocybe invasa (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) population intensity and infestation on eucalyptus germplasms in Uganda and Kenya
(Taylor & Francis, 2010)Leptocybe invasa, an invasive gall-inducing wasp of Australian origin, recently emerged as a serious eucalyptus pest of global importance. We examined the spatial and temporal variations in L. invasa adult populations and ... -
Traditional medicine as an alternative form of health care system: a preliminary case study of Nangabo Sub-County, Central Uganda
(2010)This study was conducted in Nangabo sub-county of Wakiso district. The purpose was to document the common Traditional Medicine (TM) practices; assess the local people's preferences for TM versus western medicine (WM) and ...