School of Forestry, Environmental and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS): Recent submissions
Now showing items 501-520 of 622
Livelihoods derived from Okole wetlands
(2009-03-05)Okole wetland is facing intense pressure from multiple users such as cattle grazers, sand and clay manners, fishermen, crafts makers, farmers, traditional healers, and developers. This study assessed the monetary values ... -
Risk factors and the role of wildlife in the maintenance of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Uganda
(2010-09)Risk factors and the role of African buffalos in the maintenance of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Uganda were investigated. This research project, studied the risk factors for the occurrence of FMD, the circulating ... -
Genetic variability, molecular characterization and distribution of species in the genus bulinus (gastropoda: planorbidae) from the Albertine Rift, East AfricaGenetic variability, molecular characterization and distribution of species in the genus bulinus (gastropoda: planorbidae) from the Albertine Rift, East Africa
(2010-09)In the interest of snail biodiversity and epidemiological predictions of the two diseases; urinary and bovine schistosomiases, in the Albertine Rift; species identity and distribution of freshwater snails in the genus ... -
The diversity and relative abundance of fish species in Sezibwa Riverine Wetland, Kayunga District, Uganda
(2009-06)This study investigated the diversity and relative abundance of fish in Sezibwa wetland September 2005 and February 2006 in Kayunga District, Uganda. The main objective was to assess the diversity and relative abundance ... -
The impacts of the construction phase of Mpanga small hydro power project on surrounding communities in Kamwenge District
(2011-03)Small hydro power Dams, like any other major infrastructures, have economic, environmental and social impacts on the community. The MSHPP was expected to come with a number of social, economic and environmental costs to ... -
Habitat use by the blue monkey (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni) in the colonizing and old growth forest at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda
(2011-01)The main aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that colonizing forest fosters a better survival environment for blue monkeys than old-growth forest, at Ngogo, Kibale National Park. This may compel them to spend more ... -
The economic role of women in sustainable fishing on the shores of Lake Victoria: a case study of Kasenyi Landing Site, Entebbe, Wakiso District
(2009-07)Kasenyi fishing community is one of the major fishing communities in Uganda. Because of the prevailing economic situation in Uganda, many of these fishing communities face numerous problems, such as inadequacy of fish ... -
Farmers’ vulnerability and adaptation to climate change around Queen Elizabeth National Park- Uganda
(2010-12)This study analyzed the vulnerability and adaptation of Nyakiyumbu sub-county farmers to climate change and variability based on the socio-economic vulnerability assessment approach by developing a vulnerability index and ... -
The distribution of lantana camara and its impact on plant species diversity in Queen Elizabeth National Park
(2010-12)Invasions by introduced species are the third biggest threat to biodiversity in Uganda today after habitat loss and unsustainable utilization of natural resources. Invasive plants can transform ecosystems by establishing ... -
Assessment of fishing gears used by artisan fishers on fish species in River Sondu Miriu, Western Kenya
(2008-03)Artisan fishers of River Sondu Miriu, Western Kenya, utilize a wide range of fishing gears, which include long lines, weirs, beach seines, fish baskets, and gill nets of various mesh sizes. The fishing gears have both ... -
Assessing the magnitude of land use/cover changes and their effect on soil properties in the transboundary River Sio catchment (Uganda/Kenya border)
(2011-01)The multiplicity of land uses in affecting the quality of physical and chemical properties of soils and reducing natural vegetation cover is of a growing concern in Uganda today. Consequently, the study investigated the ... -
Solid waste management in small towns: a case of Ibanda Town Council
(2010-05)The overall objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of existing solid waste management arrangement in Ibanda Town Council and generate baseline information on the characterization of solid waste stream and ... -
Use and conservation status of woody plants of Nawaikoke Sub-County, Uganda
(2010-09)Woody species are an important resource to human livelihoods. They are however declining steadily everywhere in the world and some have been threatened with extinction. In order to slow down the loss of woody species, we ... -
Soil and nutrient losses from Mabira Forest
(2008-09)Little information is available on the effect of forest degradation and restoration of Mabira Forest Reserve on the soil physical and chemical parameters. Earlier studies concentrated on biodiversity with limited attention ... -
Early detection of tropical forest degradation: an IFIU pilot study in Uganda.
(Environmental conservation, 1995) -
Community involvement in natural resources management
(2008-12-10) -
Opportunities and constraints in developing forestry curriculum to meet farmers' needs under the Plan for Modernisation of Agriculture in Uganda
(African Network for Agroforestry Education (ANAFE), 2004)Uganda's Plan for Modernisation of Agriculture includes the development of forestry as part of the natural resource management (NRM) strategy, increasing productivity of land and eradicating poverty. Uganda's extension ...