School of Forestry, Environmental and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS): Recent submissions
Now showing items 421-440 of 622
The distribution and estimation of Myrianthus holstii, Engl., a low density dioecious tree species in Binp, Uganda using the belt-transect and the distance line-transect methods
(Makerere University, 2012-07)Good density estimates for low abundance tree species are costly to achieve especially in rugged or disturbed forest landscapes. More efficient methods would be of considerable value to managers and conservationists. Here ... -
The potential of farmed ecosystems to conserve avian and woody plant species biodiversity in Buhaguzi County, Hoima District, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2012-04)This study assessed the potential of farmed ecosystems in Buhaguzi County, Hoima District, Uganda to conserve biodiversity. In order to achieve this, comparisons of floristic structure of woody species and bird species ... -
Functionality of rural water supply sources: a case study: Nyero Sub-County, Kumi District.
(Makerere University, 2011-05)The research study assessed functionality of rural water supply sources in Nyero sub-county Kumi district. The study identified the rural water supply sources in use, the institutions and stakeholders involved in the ... -
Socio-economic determinants of land degradation: A case study of Busongora County North, Kasese District
(Makerere University, 2007-05)This study was undertaken to find out the main causes of land degradation especially soil erosion in Busongora County north Kasese District. The main focus was the socio economic factors which lead to biophysical causes ... -
Potential of stem cuttings, rooting media and indolebutyric acid application for vegetative propagation of Warburgia Ugandensis sprague
(Makerere University, 2011-08)Potential of stem cuttings, rooting media and indolebutyric acid application for vegetative propagation of warburgia ugandensis sprague of different physiological ages was assessed in Uganda from 25th May- 25th August, ... -
Above-ground biomass and carbon stocks of different land cover types in Mt. Elgon, Eastern Uganda
(Makerere University, 2014)This research applied selected allometric models to estimate the Total Above Ground Biomass and Carbon stocks in three land cover types in Mt. Elgon National Park. The land cover types identified for the study included the ... -
Local people’s perception on charcoal production methods and their efficiency: A case study of Alwi Sub-County, Nebbi District
(Makerere University, 2013-05)The study of local people’s perceptions on charcoal production methods and their efficiency was carried out in Alwi sub-county, Nebbi district with specific objectives of documenting the methods used for charcoal production, ... -
Contribution of agroforestry practices towards livelihood improvement in Bulucheke Sub-County, Bududa District
(Makerere University, 2009-12)Agroforestry practices are associated with many benefits such as providing firewood, improving income and soil fertility. However, there is limited understanding of the contribution of agroforestry practices towards ... -
On-farm tree/shrub species diversity, distribution and utilization in Asuret Sub County, Soroti District.
(Makerere University, 2013-06)A study of on-farm tree/shrub species diversity, distribution and utilization by the local community of Asuret sub county, Soroti district was conducted from October 2008 to September 2009. The objectives were to (1) examine ... -
Assessing the spatio-temporal climate variability in semi-arid Karamoja sub-region in north-eastern Uganda
(Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2014)Semi-arid areas show climatic variability on a spatio-temporal scale. There are few studies on the long-term trends and intensity of this variability from East Africa. We used National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration ... -
The use of traditional medicine in primary health care amongst the local people around Buyiija forest Mpigi District Central - Uganda.
(Makerere University, 2012-08)This study was conducted in the parishes of Buyiija and Bongole which are close to Buyija forest reserve. The aim was to assess the contribution of traditional medicine in the primary health care of the rural population. ... -
The distribution and abundance of free-flying African Grey Parrots in Kampala District, Uganda.
(Makerere University, 2013-10)The African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus), a forest specialist, is threatened by the continued loss of forest cover in most of its main habitats. The pet trade is also a major threat on the wild populations of this ... -
Inheritance of resistance to kernel infection by aspergillus flavus and to accumulation of aflatoxins in selected groundnut genotypes in Uganda.
(Makerere University, 2013-02)Groundnut is prone to infestation by two closely related species of fungi, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. A. flavus is the most common specie in Africa and Asia, while A. parasiticus is predominant in ... -
Resistance of farmer preferred varieties and use of varietal mixtures to control angular leaf spot disease in common beans.
(Makerere University, 2013-11)In east Africa, angular leaf spot (ALS) disease of beans is one of the most important biotic constraint to common beans production. The disease is widely distributed across varying altitudes causing up to 70% yield losses ... -
An assessment of meteorological drought occurrence and severity in Uganda.
(Makerere University, 2013)In the tropics, precipitation in the form of rainfall varies seasonally resulting into droughts and floods as extreme weather events that are causing great economic impact especially on agriculture and water resources. ... -
The potential of Makerere University heritage (1922-2011) resources for urban tourism development.
(2013-11)Urban tourism is enhancing revenues and conservation initiatives in most cities around the world. It has, however, not attracted much attention from researchers and the private sector in Uganda, leading to degradation of ... -
Tamarindus indica l genetic structure and niche ecology.
(Makerere University, 2010-12)Worldwide, tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) is an economically valued tree species. Nevertheless, research on tamarind has been minimal, its conservation status and even knowledge on its genetic structure and niche ecology ... -
Household vulnerability to impacts of water stressors: A case of domestic water scarcity in Gulu Municipality.
(2013)Studies on Household vulnerability to impacts of water stressors –“zeroing on Domestic water scarcity” have been extensively done in Uganda, but less so in Northern Uganda. This study contributes to the knowledge base of ... -
Factors that influence the variation of malaria incidences for local specific administration units in Bushenyi District, Uganda.
(2014)Spatial Epidemiology of diseases is an area that has been studied broadly considering large geographical areas (regions, countries and districts) but little is known with reference to small geographical areas (Subcounties). ... -
Utilization and nutritive values of indigenous fruit trees: A case study of Chegere sub-county, Apac District.
(2013)Uganda has a wide diversity of indigenous fruit trees (IFTs), of which there has been little documentation about utilization and nutritional values of these fruits. This study was conducted in Chegere sub-County, with the ...