School of Forestry, Environmental and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS): Recent submissions
Now showing items 241-260 of 622
Optimization of numerical models for operational weather forecasting in Uganda
(2018-08-21)The major focus of this study was on improving the predictability of precipitation, in the form of rainfall, which is one of the major weather and climatic elements of interest in the tropics, using numerical weather ... -
Effect of land use/cover on water quality of River Rwizi, Mbarara municipality, Uganda
(2018-07)Understanding the effect of land use/cover on water quality is helpful for effective water quality management. In this study, spatial and temporal variations of water quality of River Rwizi, Mbarara municipality, Uganda ... -
Effects of land use/cover change on hydrological flow of river Manafwa, Uganda
(2018-06-25)Flooding is an increasing global problem attributed to many factors including climate change and land use/cover change particularly in mountain watersheds and floodplains. In Uganda, river Manafwa watershed has been greatly ... -
Analysis of tourism trends, local community participation and contribution of tourism to rural livelihoods in Murchison Falls Conservation Area, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2018-03)Tourism has been identified as a key driver of socio-economic development globally. In developing countries, Uganda inclusive, tourism has been recognized and prioritized as one of the economic growth sectors for investment ... -
Effect of point source pollution on the quality of water in river Enyau, arua Municipality, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2015-09)Pollution of streams, rivers, wetlands and lakes is a major problem in Uganda, yet many people draw water for domestic use from these sources. The objectives of the study were to (i) identify the sources of point pollution ... -
Abundance and nutritional compositions of ruspolia differens polymorphs from Masaka District: Uganda
(Makerere University, 2016-11)This study was conducted to determine the abundance and nutritional compositions of Ruspolia differens polymorphs. The objectives of the study were: 1) to compare relative abundance of different polymorphs and males and ... -
Risk factors associated with maternal depression in rural Uganda: A case of Kamuli District
(Makerere University, 2016-07)The objective of the study was to assess factors associated with maternal depression among pregnant women in rural Uganda. A cross sectional study design was used, the demographic, socio-economic and predisposing factors ... -
Economic valuation of non-timber forest products and recreational benefits from Mabira Central Forest Reserve, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2017-01)Forest-based benefits are often undervalued or not quantified in monetary terms, hence ignored when making development decisions. Valuation of forest products and services is vital in averting forest loss due to ... -
Land use transitions and vegetation dynamics in the Rwizi catchment, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2017-11)Land use transitions and vegetation dynamics are critical to the ecological and biogeochemical processes in catchments. They are proxies of the catchment health and integrity and knowledge on them can facilitate planning ... -
Dynamics of surface runoff and soil loss under varied landuse practices in Rwizi Catchment, Lake Victoria Basin
(2018-10-03)Runoff and soil loss is reported to be widespread and increasing in Rwizi catchment in the Lake Victoria Basin. However, their magnitude and dynamics with respect to rainfall characteristics and land use practices is ... -
Effect of Hydrogel soil amendment on survival and growth of Melia volkensii under field conditions in Nakasongola District
(Makerere University, 2017-11)Hydrogels are known to aid early seedling establishment in water-stressed environments. However, inadequate information on the amount of hydrogel required for different species under varying aridity regimes limits their ... -
Enhancing the potential of organic and mineral fertilizers for bean production on contrasting soils
(Makerere University, 2018)Smallholder common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) farmers on Buganda Catena of Uganda predominantly use indigenous knowledge to describe and manage their soils. Low and declining soil fertility which varies along topo-sequence, ... -
Mixed cropping systems for sustainable domestic food supply of the smallholder farming communities in Nakasongola District, Central Uganda
(Online Science Publishing, 2018-07-31)Poverty alleviation and food security are the most important national priorities in Uganda. Development of agricultural technologies to improve rural livelihood through sustainable increase in production on crop, animal, ... -
Biophysical and socio-economic factors that determine the performance of community forestry projects: perspectives from Mayuge and Mutai Plantation Forest Reserves, Eastern Uganda
(Online Science Publishing, 2018-06-29)This paper investigates the socioeconomic factors that determine the performance of community forestry projects in Uganda. The socioeconomic analysis was done to evaluate the relationship between community participation ... -
The abundance, distribution and community utilization of Loeseneriella apocynoides and Manilkara Obovata species in Sango Bay Forest, Rakai District
(Makerere University, 2002-09)The study examined the abundance, distribution and community utilization of the two woody species Loeseneriella apocynoides and Manikara obovate in Sango Bay forests. The two species are used for making fishing baskets by ... -
Impact of land use changes and wetland degradation on water: Case of Upper Kinawataka wetland, Kampala - Uganda
(Makerere University, 2017-11)Kinawataka wetland is an important ecosystem that plays a vital role in pollution and flood control as well as maintaining ground water supplies and quality in the Lake Victoria basin. However, this wetland has undergone ... -
Mapping the risk of malaria in Kyebe Subcounty, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2001-02)Malaria is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Uganda. It is responsible for 30% morbidity in Rakai district. Previous studies in Uganda have mapped the mosquito breeding habits through extensive field surveys. ... -
Assessment of factors influencing the adoption of domestic rainwater harvesting: A case study of Peri-Urban area in Kampala, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2017-10)Rainwater is a natural resource that has been greatly underutilized in Kampala city. UN-Habitat, the United Nations Programme for Human Settlement, has recognized the need to promote fresh water augmentation, through ... -
Impact of community-based organizations on sustainable management of forest, soil and water: The case of Mount Elgon ecosystem, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2017-02)The recent development of devolution of natural resources management of community-based organizations (CBOs) has become important study topic today as many scholars try to examine issues such as structure, context and ... -
Community-park relations - How to achieve and measure success: A case study of Kibale National Park
(Makerere University., 2001-08)Although conservationists are interested in the long-term use of resources, the communities neighbouring Protected Areas are interested in the short-term benefits. This creates problems and costs of conservation proportional ...