School of Bio-Medical Sciences (Bio-Medical) Collections: Recent submissions
Now showing items 381-400 of 423
P16 expression in anorectal carcinoma biopsy specimens seen in the department of pathology makerere university college of health sciences.
(2009-05)BACKGROUND: There is an increasing number of cases of anorectal carcinoma in both men and women in Uganda and there is evidence in the role of hr-HPV in its pathogenesis. P16 has been shown in studies in developed countries ... -
Thyroid hormones profile of students in makerere university faculty of medicine.
(2008-07)INTRODUCTION: Serum concentrations of the two principle biologically active thyroid hormones, thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triidothyronine (T3) together with that of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) are used to ... -
Analysis of HIV-1 sub types among blood donors in Uganda using a multi-region hybridization assay.
(2008-04)BACKGROUND: Uganda has been a focus of HIV/AIDS intervention efforts, including vaccine clinical trials. HIV-1 genetic diversity poses challenges for design of efficacious vaccines. Data on HIV-1 genetic diversity is ... -
Prevalence and factors associated with external congenital anomalies in new born babies at Mulago hospital.
(2008-05)BACKGROUND: Congenital anomalies are defects present at birth. Congenital anomalies have emerged as a problem in developed countries occurring in about 2-3% of all newborn babies. The problem of congenital anomalies in ... -
Aetiology, risk factors and immediate outcome of bacteriologically confirmed neonatal septicaemia in Mulago hospital, Uganda
(2006-06)Background: Neonatal septicaemia remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality. The aetiology, risk factors and outcome of this problem need to understood. Objective: To determine the aetiology, risk factors and immediate ... -
Bacteraemia among severely malnourished children infected and uninfected with the human immunodeficiency virus-1 in Kampala, Uganda
(BioMed Central, 2006-11-07)Background: To establish the magnitude of bacteraemia in severely malnourished children, and describe the types of bacteria and antimicrobial sensitivity by HIV status. Method: Isolates were recovered from 76 blood specimens. ... -
Augmentation of Apoptosis and Interferon-g Production at sites of active Mycobacterium Tuberculosis infection in Human Tuberculosis
(University of Chicago Press, 2001-02-08)Pleural tuberculosis (TB) was employed as a model to study T cell apoptosis at sites of active Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–coinfected (HIV/TB) patients and patients ... -
Acceptance of routine testing for HIV among adult patients at the medical emergency unit at a national referral hospital in Kampala, Uganda
(2006)HIV testing is an entry point to comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention and care. In Uganda, Routine Testing and Counseling for HIV (RTC) is not widely offered as part of standard medical care in acute care settings. This study ... -
Prevalence and household factors associated with use of insectcide treated nets in Luweero district.
(2002-05)BACKGROUND: Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) are widely recommended as a personal protective measure and have been promoted in uganda since the early 1990s. There is however limited understanding among the healthcare ... -
NeuroAIDS in Africa
(Informa Healthcare, 2010)In July 2009, the Center for Mental Health Research on AIDS at the National Institute of Mental Health organized and supported the meeting “NeuroAIDS in Africa.” This meeting was held in Cape Town, South Africa, and ... -
Household use of sulfadoxine pyrimethamine and factors associated with its utilsation in the treatment of childhood malaria in rural Malawi.
(2002-05)BACKGROUND: Malaria is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality of children in Malawi. Limited information is available on now SP is used at household level. OBJECTIVES: To assess household use of SP and identify ... -
Relationship between plasma levels of stavudine and self reported adherence rates to triomune in HIV/AIDS patients at the Joint Clinical Research Centre, Mengo Uganda.
(2009)INTRODUCTION: Adherence to antiretroviral therapy is mainly assessed by patient self reporting method in Uganda. The relationship between self reported adherence rates and plasma drug levels is not known. This study sought ... -
Comparison of transformation frequencies of commonly drug resistant and suceptible serotypes of streptococcus pneumoniae.
(2009-09)Streptococcus pneumonia (pneumonococcus) is a leading human respiratory pathogen that causes a variety of serious mucosal and invasive diseases. There are atleast 90 serotypes of pneumonococcus but it has long been observed ... -
Some pharmacological effects of the leaf extracts of vernonia lasiopus and maesa lanceolata: palnts tradiotionally used to treat common ailments in humans in East Africa.
(2009-11)BACKGROUND: Maesa lanceolata and vernonia lasiopus are important traditional medicinal plants in E. Africa. M.Lanceolata is used to treat malaria, dysentery, dermatosis, hypertension, ascariasis, difficult deliveries, ... -
Cutaneous leishmaniasis in Uganda: report of the first case at Mulago National Referral and Teaching Hospital
(Intercontinental Journals, 2012)The transmission of Leishmania in central Uganda is little known despite that equine leishmaniasis was reported on the mainland in 1926. A case is reported of cutaneous leishmaniasis in an immunocompromised patient, possibly ... -
Quantitative assessment of the sensitivity of various commercial reverse transcriptases based on armored HIV RNA
(Public Library of Science, 2010)Background: The in-vitro reverse transcription of RNA to its complementary DNA, catalyzed by the enzyme reverse transcriptase, is the most fundamental step in the quantitative RNA detection in genomic studies. As such, ... -
Evaluation of capilia TB assay for rapid identification of mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in BACTEC MGIT 960 and BACTEC 9120 blood cultures
(BioMed Central, 2012)Background: Capilia TB is a simple immunochromatographic assay based on the detection of MPB64 antigen specifically secreted by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC). Capilia TB was evaluated for rapid identification ... -
Blood and body fluid exposures among surgeons in Mulago hospital
(COSECSA/ASEA, 2011-11)Background: It is now recognized that health workers are at risk of acquiring infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), HIV and other blood borne pathogens through contact with infected blood and ... -
Prevalence of high risk human papilloma virus in patients with oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma as seen at the Department of Pathology, Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Uganda.
(2009-07)BACKGROUND: Oesophageal cancer is a global health problem being the 8th commonest cancer and the 6th leading cause of cancer related deaths in the world with the majority of cases occurring in developing countries. It is ... -
The reliability of sickling and solubility tests and peripheral blood film method for sickle cell disease screening at dictrict health centers in Uganda
(Clinics in Mother and Child Health, 2010)Although sickling and solubility tests and peripheral blood film methods are today available for sickle cell disease screening in Uganda, their reliability and ease of applicability have not been determined. This study was ...