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dc.contributor.authorWanagalya, Alex
dc.identifier.citationWanagalya, A. (2024). Employee training, employee competence and budget implementation in Mulago National Referral Hospital. Unpublished master’s dissertation, Makerere Universityen_US
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a degree of Master of Arts in Business Administration, Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study investigated the effect of Employee Training on budget implementation with a mediating role of employee competence in Mulago National Referral Hospital. The Objectives of the study were to establish the effect of Employee Training on budget, Implementation in Mulago National referral hospital, to examine the effect of employee competence on budget Implementation in Mulago National referral hospital, to evaluate the effect of Employee Training on employee competence in Mulago National referral hospital and to assess the mediating effect of employee competence on the relationship between employee training and budget implementation in Mulago National referral hospital. The adopted a correlational and cross-sectional survey design with a quantitative study approach which involved collecting using questionnaires and interviews. The study found a positive significant effect of the Employee Training on budget implementation (B=0.181, p=0.00, p=0.0217), a significant positive effect of Employee Training on Employee competence (B=0.6316, p=0.00), on Employee competence and a significant positive effect of Employee competence (B=0.281, p=0.00) on Budget implementation. Employee Training has a profound impact on employee competence and an increase in employee competence results in an effective in budget implementation. This implies that higher levels of employee training at Mulago national referral Hospital can help to improve employee competence which results into better implementation of the budget. Therefore, the study recommendations that organizations should increase investment in training programs, training programs be tailored to address the specific needs and gaps in skills within the organization and organizations should as well conduct regular competence assessments to evaluate employee competence levels which help identify areas where additional training is needed and measure the effectiveness of existing training programs thus ensuring continuous improvement.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectMulago National Referral Hospitalen_US
dc.subjectBudget implementationen_US
dc.subjectEmployee trainingen_US
dc.subjectEmployee competenceen_US
dc.titleEmployee training, employee competence and budget implementation in Mulago National Referral Hospitalen_US

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