Now showing items 1-6 of 6
A reference model for biomedical ontology evaluation: the perspective of granularity
There have been many attempts using ontologies to develop systems that integrate data from the domains of medicine and biology, across levels of gravity. Such integration systems have not gained wide adoption and reuse. ...
Towards a reusable ontology framework for biological information integration
Reusable knowledge structures are becoming increasingly important in the task of information integration. In biological and clinical research where vast amounts of data being generated and need to be shared, the task of ...
Complexity and Risk in IS Projects
(Fountain Publishers Kampala, 2007)
Fountain Publishers Kampala
Abstract: In spite of ongoing research on IS risks and the increased sophistication of the tools and techniques developed, IS risks continue to be a challenge to IS professionals and managers. ...
A user centered approach for evaluating biomedical data integration ontologies
There has been an emergence of various biomedical ontologies that seek to integrate
data from the clinical and biological domains. These ontologies are attempts to relate
clinical and biological data using various ...
A flexible biomedical ontology selection tool
The wide adoption and reuse of existing biomedical ontologies available in various libraries is limited by the lack of suitable tools with metrics for their evaluation by both naive users and expert ontologists. Existing ...