Now showing items 21-30 of 136
Factors affecting infection control at health facilities in Kumi district, Uganda.
Despite the efforts of Kumi district health team to provide continuous medical education (CME) to the health workers, rehabilitate, equip and provide supplies to the health facilities, infection control (IC) ...
The epidemiology of hypertension in Uganda: Findings from the national non- communicable diseases risk factor survey
(Public Library of Science, 2015)
Background: Hypertension is an important contributor to global burden of disease and mortality, and is a growing public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa. However, most sub-Saharan African countries lack detailed ...
Association of dietary nutrient intake and body mass index among newly diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes patients attending diabetic clinics in Kampala District
(Makerere University, 2016)
Background: Overweight and obesity are significant risk factors for majority of complications among type 2 diabetes patients. With the need of prevention of diabetes related complications, dietary measures for body mass ...
A comparison of sexual risk behaviours and HIV seroprevalence among circumcised and uncircumcised men before and after implementation of the safe male circumcision programme in Uganda
(BioMed Central, 2016-01)
Background: Although male circumcision reduces the heterosexual HIV transmission risk, its effect may be attenuated if circumcised men increase sexual risk behaviours (SRB) due to perceived low risk. In Uganda information ...
Determinants of utilization of HIV transition clinic services by young adults at the Infectious Disease Institute, Kampala, Uganda.
(Makerere University, 2013-09)
Introduction: Though there are established HIV transition programmes including the Transition Clinic of Infectious Diseases Institute (TC-IDI), Kampala, Uganda providing HIV health care management, support groups and STIs ...
Assessment of availability, adequacy and factors affecting provision of school health services in primary schools of Mukono County in Mukono District
(Makerere University, 2008-11)
Introduction and background. Health related causes contribute significantly to school
dropout and absenteeism. Sixty percent of school dropouts are due to sickness (MOE,
2003). This has resulted into low primary school ...
Implementation of tuberculosis infection control in health facilities in Mukono and Wakiso districts, Uganda
(BMC Infectious Diseases, 2013)
Background: Tuberculosis infection control (TBIC) is rarely implemented in the health facilities in resource limited settings. Understanding the reasons for low level of implementation is critical. The study aim was to ...
High Incidence of HIV-1 infection in a general population of fishing communities around Lake Victoria, Uganda
(PLOS ONE, 2014)
Background: High HIV-1 incidence rates were reported among persons in fisherfolk communities (FFC) in Uganda who were
selected for high risk behaviour. We assessed the incidence of HIV-1 and associated risk factors in a ...
Promising Perceptions, Divergent Practices and Barriers to Integrated Malaria Prevention in Wakiso District, Uganda: A Mixed Methods Study
(PLOS One, 2015)
The World Health Organization recommends use of multiple approaches to control malaria.
The integrated approach to malaria prevention advocates the use of several malaria prevention
methods in a holistic ...
Modern contraceptive use among women in Uganda: an analysis of trend and patterns (1995-2011)
(African Population Studies, 2014)
There is an extensive body of literature concerning modern contraceptive use among women in Uganda. A
questionable aspect however is whether the impact of factors associated with modern contraceptive use has
remained the ...