Now showing items 11-20 of 136
Male circumcision, sexual behavior, and HIV status in Uganda
(USAID, 2013-08)
After a series of studies that revealed the protective effect of male circumcision against
HIV infection, WHO/UNAIDS in 2007 recommended the adoption of safe male circumcision as one of the effective strategies in reducing ...
Risk factors for neonatal mortality in Busia district, Uganda.
Uganda is one of the developing countires with a high neonatal mortality rate (NMR). In a resource poor country, improving a neonatal outcome requires simple preventive measures and prompt newborn care. ...
Assessment of operational performance of health sub districts in Mubende district, Uganda.
In 2001, the government of Uganda through its health policy introduced health sub districts (HSDs) with the aim of bringing health services near the people.
The overall objective ...
Evaluation of bacterial contamination and label information of oral-liquid herbal medicinal products for cough in Makindye Division, Kampala District.
Herbal medicine a form of alternative medicine, is becoming increasingly popular both in low-income and high income countries. There are many herbal medicinal products on Ugandan market particularly in Kampala and many ...
Factors contributing to persistent stock outs of essential medicines and healh supplies at lower level health facilities in Wakiso District.
Despite progress in increasing the number of people with access to essential medicines and health supplies (EMHS) over the past decades, vulnerable populations still lack access to them and the situation seems ...
Building capacity for HIV/AIDS program leadership and management in Uganda through mentored Fellowships
(Co-Action Publishing, 2011)
Background: Around the world, health professionals and program managers are leading and managing public and private health organizations with little or no formal management and leadership training and experience. Objective: ...
Interventions to manage dual practice among health workers (Review)
(John Wiley & Sons, 2011)
Dual practice, whereby health workers hold two or more jobs, is a common phenomenon globally. In resource constrained low- and
middle-income countries dual practice poses an ongoing threat to the efficiency, ...
Modelling the impact of interventions on the optimal control of Cholera in hotspots in Uganda
(Makerere University, 2021-12-23)
Background: Cholera is an infectious disease that is caused by eating food or drinking water
contaminated with a bacteria known as Vibrio cholerae. Historically there have been seven (7)
pandemics and Uganda as a country ...
Factors associated with healthcare workers’ adherence to national guidelines for MDR TB surveillance in Uganda: A case study of the West Nile region
(Makerere University, 2014)
A previous history of tuberculosis (TB) treatment has been identified as a risk factor for multidrug resistant TB. Therefore these patients are a high priority group for whom culture and drug-susceptibility ...
Understanding newborn care in Uganda: Towards future interventions
(Makerere University, 2010-11)
Worldwide, almost four million babies die every year in the first month of life and another three millions are born dead. The highest rates are in Africa. In Uganda, over forty thousand newborn deaths and a similar number ...