Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Adherence of health workers to severe Malaria treatment guidelines and associated factors at Gulu Referral and Lacor Hospitals in Gulu District, Uganda
(Makerere university, 2022)
Introduction: Severe malaria is a life-threatening medical emergency and requires prompt and effective treatment to prevent death. There is a paucity of published information on current adherence of health workers to ...
Assessment of barriers and facilitators to the implementation of Tuberculosis Screening Strategy among health workers in public health facilities in Jinja City, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2023-11-09)
Uganda is ranked among the 30 high Tuberculosis (TB) disease burden countries globally. Jinja city is one of the 10 high-burden TB regions in Uganda, and has been reporting rising cases of TB with a high prevalence. Uganda ...