Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Factors affecting infection control at health facilities in Kumi district, Uganda.
Despite the efforts of Kumi district health team to provide continuous medical education (CME) to the health workers, rehabilitate, equip and provide supplies to the health facilities, infection control (IC) ...
Implementation of tuberculosis infection control in health facilities in Mukono and Wakiso districts, Uganda
(BMC Infectious Diseases, 2013)
Background: Tuberculosis infection control (TBIC) is rarely implemented in the health facilities in resource limited settings. Understanding the reasons for low level of implementation is critical. The study aim was to ...
Health seeking behaviour and challenges in utilising health facilities in Wakiso district, Uganda
(African Health Sciences, 2014)
Background: The health seeking behaviour of a community determines how they use health services. Utilisation of health
facilities can be influenced by the cost of services, distance to health facilities, cultural beliefs, ...
Prevalence and associated factors of postpartum depression among women living with human immunodeficiency virus in three high volume health facilities in Wakiso District, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2023)
Introduction: Mothers living with Human Immunodeficiency virus face a range of psychological problems including postpartum depression which result into disease progression and long-lasting effects on the health of their ...
Factors associated with vertical transmission of HIV during the PMTCT B-plus era in Kyegegwa District: A cross-sectional study
(Makerere University, 2019-09)
Background: Despite high antiretroviral therapy coverage (93%) for PMTCT, the vertical transmission rate in Uganda is still high (7.4%). We examined the factors associated with vertical transmission of HIV during implementation ...