Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Association of infant and young child feeding practices and nutrition status of children 6-23 months in Bidibidi Refugee Settlement, Yumbe District Uganda.
(Makerere University, 2022-12-12)
UDHS 2016 indicated stunting, wasting and underweight among children under 5 years as 29%, 4% and 11% respectively. Bidibidi presented highest acute malnutrition of 11.8% compared to Westnile settlements, under nutrition ...
Prevalence and factors associated with malnutrition among internally displaced children aged 6-59 months in Hawl Wadaag District, Mogadishu-Somalia
(Makerere University, 2022-12)
Introduction: Worldwide, childhood malnutrition is a public health concern that contributes to impaired mental and physical growth. Malnutrition encompasses stunting, wasting underweight, micronutrient deficiency, and being ...
Effect of family health groups on nutritional status of children 6-59 months in Kabale and Rukiga Districts in Southwestern Uganda
(Makerere University, 2023)
Background: Family Health Groups (FHGs), an intervention to address malnutrition was operationalized in 2016 to help pregnant and lactating mothers adopt behaviors consistent with good nutritional and health practices. ...