Now showing items 31-36 of 36
Implementation of the Government Communication Strategy at Ministry Level
(Makerere University, 2022-01)
This study focused on the implementation of the Agricultural Sector Knowledge Management and Communications Strategy (2016-2021) by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries. The major aim of the study was ...
An assessment of male and female contribution to household livelihood through crop production in Hoima City
(Makerere University, 2022-02)
This dissertation was prepared following a study on; assessment of the male and female roles in crop production in enhancing household livelihood. In specific terms, the study aimed at creating a broad understanding on; ...
Examining women’s lived experiences in the patterns of gender division of labour in crop production : a case of Birere Sub-County, Isingiro District
(Makerere University, 2021)
This researcher aimed at understanding women’s lived experiences in gender division of labour in agriculture. The study sought to establish how women bargain their agency, and in turn how their bargaining and agency ...
Mobile agricultural extension services and household livelihoods in South-Central Uganda
(Makerere University, 2023-01)
Over the years, traditional agricultural extension systems have been integrated with mobile
extension technologies. This study aimed to examine the utilisation of mobile agricultural
extension services for household ...
The impact of poverty on the practice of the Catholic faith in Kyamuhunga Parish, Bushenyi District in the light of Lumen Fidei
(Makerere University, 2016-05)
In Kyamuhunga, many people have sold their pieces of land to the tea factory investors for quick money. The end result is that many families have remained landless and others with little land for agriculture which ...
Adaptation to climate variability among crop farmers in Nakaseke Sub-County, Nakaseke District, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2018-11)
Climate variability is one of the most serious environmental challenges impacting heavily on agriculture and crop farming in particular. Hence, this study sought to investigate the current nature of climate variability and ...