Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Management of school resources and the academic performance of secondary school students in Mukono District.
(Makerere University, 2014)
This study set out to establish the school resource management and academic performance in secondary schools in Mukono district. The study was guided by the objectives of examining the effect of planning on academic ...
Academic interest, engagement and academic performance among secondary school students
(Makerere University, 2014)
The study set out to establish the relationship between interest, engagement and academic performance among secondary school students. It was conducted in four secondary schools around Kampala, government and private, both ...
Covariates of students’ academic performance in the School of Education, College of Education and External Studies, Makerere University
(Makerere University, 2014-12)
This study sought to establish whether multitasking, discipline and financing are covariates of academic performance by undergraduate students in the School of Education, College of Education and External Studies, Makerere ...
The effect of strategic planning on academic performance of students in Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST)
(Makerere University, 2014-11)
In modern times, the role of education has been fundamental in society. Of recent, educational institutions have also actively engaged in improving academic performance by strategically adopting planning mechanisms and ...
Parental involvement and students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Pallisa District, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2014-12)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of parental involvement on students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Pallisa District, Uganda. The objectives that guided the study were; to ...
Educational policies and academic performance of students in selected public secondary schools in Wakiso District
(Makerere University, 2014-12)
The study sought to investigate the influence of educational policies on academic performance in selected secondary schools in Wakiso District. It was guided by three objectives to examine the effect of curriculum, pedagogical ...
Effect of teachers’ management styles on the students’ academic performance in literature in English in Wakiso district.
The study aimed at establishing the effect of teachers’ management styles on student academic performance in literature at the Uganda Advanced Level in the selected schools in Wakiso district. The research was guided by ...