Now showing items 601-603 of 603
Evaluation of adaptation measures by smallholder Irish potato farmers to climate variability in Rubanda District, South Western Uganda
(Elepu, J. (20190. Evaluation of adaptation measures by smallholder Irish potato farmers to climate variability in Rubanda District, South Western Uganda. (Unpublished master's dissertation). Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, 2019-10)
The study was conducted in Rubanda District with a general aim of evaluating the effectiveness of adaptation measures to climate variability used by smallholder Irish potatoes farmers. Specifically, the study set out to ...
An evaluation of the impact of biofuel production in Uganda on household welfare : the case of Briquettes
(Makerere University, 2018-03)
For decades, Uganda’s energy challenges remain unresolved. Yet, a country’s growth is essentially hinged on not only, accessible but also affordable energy. How a developing country like Uganda can attain its growth targets ...
Effect of Lugazi Town Council abattoir effluent on surface water quality in Nkoko-Busabaga stream in Buikwe District, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2014)
The Lugazi Town Council abattoir discharges effluents into the Nkoko-Busabaga stream in Lugazi Town, Buikwe District, Uganda. Nkoko-Busabaga stream which is small is a potential collector of pollutants that could be delivered ...