Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Agroforestry potential of Acacia Senegal in the rangelands of Luwero and Nakasongola Districts
(National Agricultural Research Organisation, 2005)
Agroforestry potential of Acacia Senegal in the rangelands of Luwero and Nakasongola Districts was assessed between November 2002 and February 2003. Proportion of farmland under A. Senegal was assessed by farm transect ...
Diversity of indigenous fruit trees in the traditional cotton-millet farming system: the case of Adwari Sub-county, Lira district, Uganda.
A field survey on indigenous fruit tree species (IFTS) was conducted in Adwari subcounty, Lira district between August 2004 and March 2005. The objectives were to: determine IFTS diversity in the traditional farming system; ...
Attitudes of out-of-school youths towards tree planting activities in Central Uganda: a case study of Masaka District
(Academy Science Publishers, 2009)
This study assessed the attitudes of out-of-school youths towards tree planting activities in Masaka district, central
Uganda. Data were collected using 104 semi-structured questionnaires. Logistic regression was used to ...
Farmers’ Attitudes Towards On-Farm Cultivation of Indigenous Fruit Trees in Adwari Sub-County, Lira District, Uganda
(Ethnobotanical Leaflets, 2010-03)
This study was conducted in Adwari sub-county, Lira district to (i) determine the conservation status and threats to indigenous fruit trees (IFTs), (ii) assess farmers’ attitudes towards IFT cultivation, (iii) documents ...
Attitudes of out-of-school youths towards tree planting activities in Central Uganda: a case study of Masaka District
(Academy Science Publishers, 2009)
This study assessed the attitudes of out-of-school youths towards tree planting activities in Masaka district, Central Uganda. Data were collected using 104 semi-structured questionnaires. Logistic regression was used to ...