Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Agroforestry potential of Acacia Senegal in the rangelands of Luwero and Nakasongola Districts
(National Agricultural Research Organisation, 2005)
Agroforestry potential of Acacia Senegal in the rangelands of Luwero and Nakasongola Districts was assessed between November 2002 and February 2003. Proportion of farmland under A. Senegal was assessed by farm transect ...
Farmers' adoption of rotational woodlot technology in Kigorobya Sub-County of Hoima District, Western Uganda
(Ethnobotany Research & Applications, 2008)
This paper evaluates, using logistic and multiple regression analyses, the socio-economic factors that influence farmers’ decisions to adopt rotational woodlot technology in the farming systems of Uganda, based on a household ...
Gender mainstreaming and community participation in plant resource conservation in Buzaya county, Kamuli district, Uganda
(Blackwell Publishing, 2007)
The distribution of property rights to land and natural resources underlies the differential control of men and women over productive resources. This article investigates the role played by women in conservation of plant ...
Agroforestry practices in the buffer zone area of Mt Elgon National Park, Eastern Uganda
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2007)
In this study, we investigated the attitude of local people towards the contribution of agroforestry practices to socioeconomic development in the buffer zone area of Mt Elgon National Park, Uganda. Primary data were ...
Commercialization of ruspolia nitidula (Nsenene Grasshoppers) in Central Uganda.
(Agea, J. G., Biryomumaisho, D., Buyinza, M., Nabanoga, G.N. (2008). Commercialization of ruspolia nitidula (Nsenene Grasshoppers) in Central Uganda. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND), 8(3) 319-33, 2008-09)
Trade in Ruspolia nitidula commonly known as grasshopper and locally known, as Nsenene is becoming a valuable source of income for many poor people in central Uganda, which although modest in terms of monetary value, could ...
Farmers' perception of the relevance of agricultural technologies under Plan for Modernization of Agriculture in Uganda
(National Agricultural Research Organisation, 2006-09)
This paper investigates the farmers' awareness and perception of the relevance of agricultural technologies under the Plan for Modernization of Agriculture (PMA). A survey was conducted between July and October 2003 in the ...
Multi-criteria assessment of community forestry program in Uganda
(Medwell Journals, 2008)
In Uganda, a large diversity of community initiated forest management systems have evolved recently in response to severe degradation of forests and grazing land and biomass shortages. Forestry professional, forest user ...
The effects of crop raiding on household food security in the Albertine rift : a case study of Queen Elizabeth National Park, western Uganda
We examined the effects of crop raiding by wild animals on household food security of the people in two sub counties adjacent to Queen Elizabeth National Park in Western Uganda. Data were collected from 541 households using ...
Economic valuation of Bujagali Falls Recreational Park, Uganda
(American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration (, 2007)
Valuation of intangible goods and services provided by Bujagali Falls Recreation Park (BFRP) is increasingly important on local, national and international level when the deterioration of nature areas, wetlands and other ...
Attitudes of out-of-school youths towards tree planting activities in Central Uganda: a case study of Masaka District
(Academy Science Publishers, 2009)
This study assessed the attitudes of out-of-school youths towards tree planting activities in Masaka district, central
Uganda. Data were collected using 104 semi-structured questionnaires. Logistic regression was used to ...