Now showing items 1-10 of 20
Effects of restoration on soil, plants and water quality in Nakyesanja wetland, Wakiso District, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2015-10-26)
The ecological performance of NAkyesanja, a restored wetland with Cyperus papyrus, was evaluated by comparing soil quality and plants characteristics with Tugavure, a reference natural wetland nearby. Assessment was also ...
Performance, body composition, carcass characteristics and culture water quality of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (l.) fed low tannin sorghum
This study investigated the effects of substituting maize with low-tannin sorghum as feed energy ingredients on growth performance, body composition and carcass characteristics of Nile Tilapia and the effects of feeding ...
Assessment of domestic water quality in the peri-urban settlements of Lira Municipality, Lira District
(Makerere University, 2008)
Lira Municipality has had domestic water stress and poor sanitation due to the displacement of the rural community as a result of the 20 years LRA insurgency. This study was conducted to identify the major domestic water ...
Impact of industrial effluents on water quality of receiving streams in Nakawa-Ntinda Uganda
(Makerere University, 2011)
The impact of industrial effluents on water quality of receiving streams in Nakawa -Ntinda industrial area was assessed so that preventive measures may be taken. The streams pass through Kinawataka wetland that is being ...
Impact of wastewater effluents from a sugar industry and a molasses based distillery on water quality of River Musamya in Lugazi, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2013-05)
The sugar industry in Uganda and East Africa is of economic importance in terms of employment opportunities, government revenue, and sugar production for export and domestic consumption. However, there is a problem of ...
Impact of oil and gas waste disposal on water and soil quality: A pilot study of Ngara & Bugungu waste consolidation sites in Buliisa District, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2022-09)
Oil wastes from the exploration operations in the form of drilling muds, cuttings and chemicals contaminate the environment and threaten human health and ecosystems. The aim of this study was to assess the impacts of oil ...
Effect of point source pollution on the quality of water in river Enyau, arua Municipality, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2015-09)
Pollution of streams, rivers, wetlands and lakes is a major problem in Uganda, yet many people draw water for domestic use from these sources. The objectives of the study were to (i) identify the sources of point pollution ...
Effects of fish cage culture on the water quality in Napoleon Gulf, Northern Lake Victoria
(Makerere University, 2015-06)
Cage fish culture is a fast growing industry in Uganda due to low fish production and the need for increased food security and employment. There are, however, growing concerns that proliferation of fish cages in Lake ...
Effect of land use/cover on water quality of River Rwizi, Mbarara municipality, Uganda
Understanding the effect of land use/cover on water quality is helpful for effective water quality management. In this study, spatial and temporal variations of water quality of River Rwizi, Mbarara municipality, Uganda ...
Assessment of water quality in selected peri-urban areas of Mukono district: a case study of Seeta and Misindye parishes-Goma sub-county
(Makerere University, 2023-10-24)
In least developed and developing countries, water-related diseases have impacted on public health. Moreover, poor water quality can cause waterborne diseases through infections of bacteria, protozoa, viruses and parasites ...