Now showing items 1-10 of 26
Comparison of breeding systems by smallholder goat keepers in the humid, sub-humid and semi arid agro-ecological zones of Uganda
(Medwell Journals, 2010-05-05)
A study was conducted in three districts (Sembabule, Soroti and Arua) to characterise the goat breeding practices in Uganda. A set of detailed structured questionnaires was used to collect information from 160 goat owners ...
Marketing channel choice: its determinants and evaluation of transaction costs in smallholder dairy farming in Lilongwe milkshed area, Malawi
The Malawian dairy sub-sector is still undergoing growth and mainly relies on smallholder farmers for milk supply. Milk is marketed through both the formal and informal channels, and the latter is dominant. Information gap ...
Market participation and profitability of maize production by smallholder farmers in Masindi and Hoima Districts of Uganda
(Makerere University, 2022)
Maize production is a strategic enterprise in Uganda because of its increasing contribution to household incomes, foreign exchange and food security. The crop is increasingly becoming a staple food for many people especially ...
Psychosocial factors in rural smallholder farmers’ decisions to accept orange-fleshed sweetpotato in Uganda
(Makerere University, 2022-03-02)
With vitamin A deficiency enduring as a major public health concern in many developing countries, orange-fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP) continues to be promoted as a food-based alleviation strategy for the deficiency. It is ...
Effect of sugarcane production on household dietary diversity in Busoga Sub-region, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2022-01)
Sugarcane production has been on the rise in Uganda in the past few years and the cultivated area has dramatically increased in Eastern Uganda. As the processors’ internal production capacity became insufficient to meet ...
Inheritance of resistance to the stalk-eyed fly (diopsis longicornis) in rice in Uganda
(Makerere University, 2017-01)
Rice is an important staple food for more than half of the world’s population. Globally, rice production is limited by abiotic and biotic factors. Of the insect pests attacking rice, the stalk-eyed fly is the most abundant. ...
Constraints and opportunities for access to lucrative markets by smallholder farmer: Analysis of the Bean Value Chain in Kamuli District
(Makerere University, 2014-11)
The study investigated the bean marketing constraints and opportunities of the various actors in the market in Kamuli district of Uganda. Various reforms have been introduced to increase marketing efficiency of agricultural ...
Mixed cropping systems for sustainable domestic food supply of the smallholder farming communities in Nakasongola District, Central Uganda
(Online Science Publishing, 2018-07-31)
Poverty alleviation and food security are the most important national priorities in Uganda. Development of agricultural technologies to improve rural livelihood through sustainable increase in production on crop, animal, ...
Entrepreneurial training and smallholder farmers value chains improvement: evidence from groundnut value chain in Lira District, Northern Uganda
(Makerere University, 2018-12)
Integrating entrepreneurial skills among smallholders who constitute the majority of farmers in the agricultural sector in Uganda is one of the ways of transforming the smallholder farmers from subsistence to market oriented, ...
Field ploughing performance evaluation of the Mulimi multi-purpose vehicle
(Makerere University, 2019-06)
In 2015, a Mulimi Multi-purpose vehicle (MMPV) was developed by the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ABE) at Makerere University in partnership with the Department of Agricultural and Biological ...