Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Response to phenotypic screening of Mubende meat goats
(MUARIK Bulletin, 2001-10)
Beekeeping: theory and practice
(Fountain Publishers Ltd., 2009-03)
The book is an A to Z guide to bee-keeping in the tropics. It is divided into two parts with one part focusing on understanding the bees. The second part enables you to start and thrive on beekeeping and the economics of ...
Factors influencing the trade of local chickens in Kampala city markets
(CIPAV - Colombia, 2010-04-01)
A study was conducted to determine the factors influencing the supply of live indigenous (local) chickens in Kampala city markets in December 2008. A total of fifty local chicken traders were randomly selected from five ...
Honey quality as affected by handling, processing and marketing channels in Uganda
(Tropicultura, 2008-04)
The factors that affect honey quality in Uganda were surveyed in 120 beekeeping households. Honey was sampled from supermarkets, hawkers and stall markets along four transects across Kampala, the capital. Honey quality ...
Okuganyulwa mu Bulunzi bw’Embizzi (How to benefit from pig farming)
(Fountain Publishers Ltd., 2009-05)
The book covers areas like: how to start piggery business; pig housing and other structures; feeds and feeding of pigs; management of piglets; pig diseases, their prevention and control; piggery record keeping
Honey quality as affected by handling, processing and marketing channels in Uganda
(Tropicultura, 2008-04)
The factors that affect honey quality in Uganda were surveyed in 120 beekeeping households. Honey was sampled from supermarkets, hawkers and stall markets along four transects across Kampala, the capital. Honey quality ...
Genetic diversity and differentiation of Ankole cattle populations in Uganda inferred from microsatellite data
(Elsevier, 2011-01-05)
A total of 304 individuals from eight Ankole cattle populations of Uganda were analysed based on 19 microsatellite markers to investigate genetic diversity, relationships and population structure. Across all loci, 200 ...
The potential of Ankole cattle abattoir ovaries for In Vitro embryo production
(African Journal of Animal and Biomedical Sciences, 2008)
A study was carried out to determine the potential of abattoir ovaries from Ankole cattle cows for in vitro embryo production. Ankole cattle cows (n = 109) due for slaughter at a local abattoir were selected. The body ...
The potential role of Ugandan indigenous chicken in poverty alleviation
(The Uganda Society, 2004-12)
This paper describes the existing production characteristics of the Ugandan indigenous chickens, highlights their potential, and suggests strategies for improvement and use in poverty alleviation programmes, emphasizing ...
Comparison of breeding systems by smallholder goat keepers in the humid, sub-humid and semi arid agro-ecological zones of Uganda
(Medwell Journals, 2010-05-05)
A study was conducted in three districts (Sembabule, Soroti and Arua) to characterise the goat breeding practices in Uganda. A set of detailed structured questionnaires was used to collect information from 160 goat owners ...