Now showing items 277-296 of 3220

      Autopsy study on maternal deaths in Mulago hospital [1]
      Autopsy survey of histopathological features and immunohistochemical markers of dementia in medico-legal deaths at Mulago hospital and KCCA mortuaries, Uganda [1]
      Availability and accessibility of minimum initial service package for reproductive health in Bidibidi refugee settlement, Yumbe district, Uganda [1]
      Availability and Quality of Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care and status of MPDR implementation in Health facilities providing maternity services in Arua District, Northern Uganda [1]
      Availability and Utilization of Sexual Reproductive Health Services among adolescents in boarding secondary schools in Soroti District [1]
      Availability of child-friendly medicines and child caretaker knowledge on administering them among children below 5 years at lower public health facilities under Kampala Capital City Authority [1]
      Availability of cold chain products and systems, and factors associated with adherence to essential cold chain requirements among community pharmacies in Kampala and Gulu districts [1]
      Availability, functionality and access of blood pressure machines at the points of care in public primary care facilities in Tororo District, Uganda [1]
      Availability, price, and affordability of medicines for chronic care: A cross-sectional study of anti-hypertensives in Kampala City [1]
      Awareness and acceptability of human breast milk donation and its associated factors among mothers in Kampala District. [1]
      Awareness and acceptability of sickle cell screening among youth attending outpatient department, Soroti regional referral hospital, eastern Uganda [1]
      Awareness and attitudes towards emergency contraceptive pills among female non-medical undergraduate students at Makerere University [1]
      Awareness and attitudes towards intra uterine contraceptive device use among adult females seeking family planning services at Kiswa health centre iii. [1]
      Awareness and factors associated with preconception care amongst pregnant women attending antenatal care at Kawempe National Refferal Hospital [1]
      Awareness and perception of patients rights in clinical services among clients attending the outpatients department at Mawenzi Regional Referral Hospital, Tanzania [1]
      Awareness and practices of preconception care among women attending antenatal care at Rushere community hospital, kiruhura district [1]
      Awareness of breast cancer risk factors and early detection measures and associated factors among nurses and midwives at Mulago Hospital [1]
      Awareness of occupational hazards and use of safety measures among road-side welders in Jinja Town [1]
      Awareness of, responsiveness to and practice of patients’ rights at Uganda’s national referral hospital. [1]
      Awareness, barriers and facilitators of labor analgesia among stakeholders in Kawempe National Referral Hospital [1]