Browsing School of Physical Sciences (Phys-Sciences) Collections by Subject "Iron"
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Design of a water purification technology for the removal of Iron, Manganese, and Escherichia coli from ground water supply of Oruchinga Refugee Settlement Communities
(Makerere University, 2022)The present study investigated the levels of iron, manganese, and E. coli in the boreholes and shallow wells waters of the Oruchinga valley refugee camp. A multi-stage filter technology was designed for the removal of total ... -
Using trace metals, peroxide, acid and iodine values to characterize oils bleached using clays from Central and Eastern Uganda
(2014)The decrease in content of iron in the bleached oils was highest for all oils bleached. The content of copper showed the smallest change. The decrease in copper content for palm oils decreased from 0.2ppm to 0.1ppm when ...