Browsing School of Liberal and Performing Arts (SLPA) Collections by Subject "Catholic Church"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
The catholic family today: challenges facing the catholic family in Rwemisanga Parish of Hoima Diocese in the light of familiaris consortio
(Makerere University, 2010-04)This research contributes to the pastoral care of the Catholic family by exploring the challenges facing the Catholic family in Rwemisanga Parish and the indispensable need to tackle these challenges if the Church must ... -
Poverty: A hindrance to integral human development in Wadelai Catholic Parish in light of Populorum Progressio
(Makerere University, 2019-01-10)In our society today, the value of human life and the integral development of the human person in all strata of life are under direct attack from anti-life forces or enemies of life like poverty, injustices, abortion, ... -
The role of penance in promoting peace, justice and reconciliation among the people of Entebbe Parish in light of Africae Munus of Pope Benedict XVI
(Makerere University, 2016)In our society in which we live, some of the basic pillars and principles desired by most people are Justice, Peace and Reconciliation. The urge and need of having Justice, Peace and Reconciliation are as old as the existence ... -
The role of the Catholic Church in conflict resolution: case study Atanga Parish, Gulu Archdiocese
(Makerere University, 2021-04)In this context, most of these conflicts are caused by avoidable problems rooted in individuals, communities and political environment. They come from competition for scarce resources, unequal development patterns, high ... -
The role of the Catholic Church in promoting democracy in Lira Municipality in the light of the apostolic exhortation Ecclesia in Africa (112).
(Makerere University, 2014-04)The Catholic Church in Lira Municipality seems not to be making a qualitative contribution to the promotion of Democracy in Lira Municipality; this is because some of the Catholic Church leaders seem to be silent on most ... -
The role of the church in the fight against domestic violence in the light of Familiaris Consortio in Katimba Catholic Parish, Masaka Diocese
(Makerere University, 2014)This research work presents the role of the Catholic Church in the fight against domestic violence in Katimba Parish-Masaka diocese. This work is done in light of the apostolic exhortation Familiaris Consortio of John Paul ... -
Understanding of clerical celibacy as a strategy to increase vocations to the priesthood in the light of Sacerdotalis caelibatus: case study [of] Buhimba Parish, Mbarara Archdiocese
(Makerere University, 2023-10)This research aimed at showing that understanding clerical celibacy can help to increase vocations to the priesthood in Buhimba Parish, Mbarara Archdiocese. It indicated the prevalence of low turn- up to the priestly ... -
Vulnerability among the youth a cause of their backsliding from the Catholic Church; A case study: Holy Rosary Parish, Gulu Archdiocese.
(Makerere University, 2018)Uganda is a country with absolute majority being the youth (more than 50%), it is predominantly Catholic occupied country. However due to mushrooming of different sects and denominations in the country, many Catholics ...