Now showing items 21-30 of 84
Human resource management practices, procedural justice, distributive justice, organisational stress and teacher organisational Citizenship behaviours in schools.
(Makerere University, 2008)
The main purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between HR practices, Organisational justice, Organisational stress and Teacher OCB.
This was carried out by developing a conceptual model, which related HR ...
(Makerere University, 2009-05)
Some pharmacological effects of the leaf extracts of vernonia lasiopus and maesa lanceolata: plants traditionally used to treat common ailments in humans in East Africa
(Makerere University, 2009)
Maesa lanceolata and Vernonia lasiopus are important traditional medicinal plants in E.Africa. M. lanceolata is used to treat malaria, dysentery, dermatosis, hypertension, ascariasis, difficult deliveries, etc. V. ...
Implications of the international biotechnology legal regime on the preservation of indigenous knowledge (IK) in Uganda:
(Makerere University, 2008)
This study examines the relevance of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the TRIPS Agreement to a developing country like Uganda. Indigenous Knowledge (IK) preservation mechanisms have been perceived as an ...
The state of Ugandan bibliographic control and strategies into the Twenty-first century
(MCB UP Ltd, 2000)
Abstract: The origins of librarianship in Uganda are indicated and the legislation affecting bibliographic control in the country described. Issues are discussed including publishing, a national library and national ...
The Integration of environmental education into the Primary school science curriculum in Tororo District
(Makerere University, 2009)
This study was on the integration of Environmental Education into the Primary School Science Curriculum. The purpose of the study, was to assess ways in which EE integration had been done in the Integrated Science Syllabus ...
The socio-economic conditions of Banyarwanda Refugees in Mbarara District since 1959.
(Makerere University, 2008)
The Banyarwanda refugees, especially those living in western Uganda in Mbarara District are an active group in the political and socio-economic affairs not only in the local area but Uganda generally. Compared to other ...
The International Criminal Court Indictments In Uganda And The International Criminal Tribunal in Rwanda: Lessons In Applying International Law and Justice Mechanisms
(Makerere University, 2008)
The LRA, under the leadership of Joseph Kony, has fought a twenty years’ war in northern Uganda, characterized by gross human rights violation, war crimes and crimes against humanity, against the government of Uganda. In ...
Response of internally displaced people (idp) to food insecurity in situations of prolonged conflict
(Makerere University, 2008)
Household food insecurity in situations of conflict is a major humanitarian problem, which
has increased hunger and starvation among the people who have been affected by the
Northern Uganda conflict. Specific reports ...
The Effect of suspending Graduated Tax in Lower Local Government: A Case Study of Mukono District.
(Makerere University, 2009)
The objective of the study was to assess the effects of the suspension of graduated tax in the lower local governments. The findings reveal that GT formed a major source of the local revenue collection and this made it ...