Now showing items 214-233 of 309

      Patterns and trends of antenatal care and delivery care services utilisation in Uganda, (1995-2011) [1]
      Perceived ease of use, usefulness, trust, information accessibility and acceptance of electronic funds transfer. [1]
      Perceived quality of clinical care provided by nurses to people living with HIV/AIDS at four TASO sites in Uganda [1]
      Perceived relationship between management of teachers and their performance in Universal Primary Education schools of Tororo Municipality [1]
      Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude and actual usage of anew financial management system: A case of Uganda National Examinations Board. [1]
      Percieved usefulness, percieved easeof use, behavioural intention to use and actual system usage in Centenary Bank. [1]
      Performance of growing pigs fed diets based on processing by-products of maize and wheat [1]
      Performance of Music [1]
      Perspectives on community's knowledge, attitude and practices about indoor residual spraying in Kabale District. [1]
      Physicochemical characteristics of yam bean (pachyrhizus spp) seed flour [1]
      Potential of grain amaranth to improve food and nutrition security in rural Uganda. [1]
      Potential of grain amaranth to improve food and nutrition security in rural Uganda.The case study of Apac, Kamuli and Nakasongola Districts. [1]
      Poverty reduction initiative in Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement: a case of German Development Service (DED) income generating activities [1]
      Prevalence and associated factors of axis I psychiatric disorders presenting at the accident and emergency department of Mulago hospital [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with delayed initiation of breastfeeding among mothers who deliver in Mulago Hospital. [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with isoniazid mono-resistance and multi-drug resistance among new tuberculosis patients in Kampala. [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with malaria among children with sickle cell anaemia and fever attending Mulago Hospital. [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with malaria parasitaemia in severely malnourished children admitted to Mulago Hospital [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with non-conversion of positive sputum smears at 8 weeks of treatment among new pulmonary tuberculosis patients in kampala [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with ocular manifestations of tuberculosis among patients at the National tuberculosis referral centre, Mulago Hospital. [1]