Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Inpatient mortality in children with clinically diagnosed malaria as compared with microscopically confirmed malaria
(Lippincott Wilkins & Williams, 2008)
Background: Inpatient treatment for malaria without microscopic confirmation of the diagnosis occurs commonly in sub-Saharan Africa. Differences in mortality in children who are tested by microscopy for Plasmodium falciparum ...
Campylobacter spp among Children with acute diarrhea attending Mulago hospital in Kampala - Uganda
Introduction HIV positive (HIV+) women are more susceptible to malaria infection during pregnancy than their HIV negative (HIV-) counterparts but the actual prevalence of infection in Ugandan pregnant women is not known. ...
Evaluation of availability and use of chroloqiune plus sulfadoxine pyrimethamine in Lira District
(Makerere University, 2013-01)
Half of the world’s population is at the risk of malaria and an estimated 243million cases led to nearly 830,000 deaths in 2008, with most of the cases and death found in Africa. The morbidity and mortality ...
Intermittent use of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine for malaria prevention: A cross-sectional study of knowledge and practices among Ugandan women attending an urban antenatal clinic.
(Malaria Journal, 2014)
Background: The WHO recommends supervised administration of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) as intermittent
preventive treatment for malaria (IPTp) during pregnancy. Logistical constraints have however favoured ...
How reliable are hematological parameters in predicting uncomplicated plasmodium falciparum malaria in an Endemic Region?
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2013)
Background. Malaria remains endemic in Sub-Saharan Africa. Hematological changes that occur have been suggested as potential predictors of malaria. This study was aimed at evaluating the diagnostic relevance of hematological ...
Some pharmacological effects of the leaf extracts of vernonia lasiopus and maesa lanceolata: palnts tradiotionally used to treat common ailments in humans in East Africa.
Maesa lanceolata and vernonia lasiopus are important traditional medicinal plants in E. Africa. M.Lanceolata is used to treat malaria, dysentery, dermatosis, hypertension, ascariasis, difficult deliveries, ...
Plasma levels of DDT/DDE and liver function in malaria control personnel prior to DDT in-door residual spray in Northern Uganda, 2008
(African Journal of Animal and Biomedical Sciences, 2010)
Where 20 million Ugandans are debilitated by malaria in a year, there is continued need of
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) for vector control while further research is implemented to clarify the
health impact of ...
Host genetic variations and their association with malaria among Ugandan children
(Makerere University, 2021-04)
This thesis comprises studies of the relationship between host genetic factors and incidence of uncomplicated malaria in a vaccine trial site in Iganga district. The studies focused on selected host gene markers that are ...
Extended automated NGS pipeline for reproducible analysis of mosquito genomes
(Makerere University, 2022-11)
Over the past decade, the decreasing costs of sequencing have facilitated the agnostic interrogation of vector genomes, giving access to an ever-expanding volume of high quality genomic and transcriptomic data. Today, the ...
Plasmodium falciparum genetic diversity and multiplicity of infection based on msp‑1, msp‑2, glurp and microsatellite genetic markers in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis
(BMC, 2024)
In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), Plasmodium falciparum causes most of the malaria cases. Despite its
crucial roles in disease severity and drug resistance, comprehensive data on Plasmodium falciparum genetic ...