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Now showing items 1-20 of 40
Access and use of credit in Uganda: Unlocking the dilemma of financing small holder farmers.
(EPRC, 2014-01-12)The study investigates the extent of access and use of credit by small holder farmers in Uganda. Despite several interventions in agricultural financing by government, access to credit by smallholder farmers has remained ... -
Attracting investments using tax incentives in Uganda: The effective tax
(Economic Policy Research Centre, 2019-03-30)Uganda operates a wide array of tax incentives schemes to attract investments like other countries in East Africa. However, due to significant amount of revenue foregone due to such schemes, Uganda has embarked on ... -
Coming of age: RUFORUM strategic business plan 2015 - 2020
(RUFORUM, 2015-08)In July 2014, we celebrated 10 years of our existence as a regional network of African Universities led by Vice Chancellors. At the celebration, we reflected on the road travelled guided by our 10 year Strategic Plan, ... -
Comparing the performance of Uganda’s intra-East African Community trade and other trading blocs: A gravity model analysis.
(EPRC, 2013)This paper examines factors that determine Uganda’s trade flows and specifically compares the impact and performance of the different trade blocs on Uganda’s trade patterns and flows. The empirical question is whether ... -
Constraints to agricultural technology adoption in Uganda: Evidence from the 2005/06-2009/10 Uganda National Panel Survey.
(EPRC, 2013-05-22)The study examines the determinants of improved agricultural technologies adoption in Uganda, using a nationally representative panel data set of 1,600 farming households, collected by the Ugandan Bureau of Statistics ... -
Does teaching methods and availability of teaching resources influence pupil’s performance?: evidence from four districts in Uganda
(2010-09)This paper explores ways of improving education quality in Universal Primary Education (UPE) schools in Uganda. Following the introduction of UPE in Uganda in 1997, primary school enrollment increased tremendously, leading ... -
Economic and institutional efficiency of the National Agricultural Advisory Services’ programme: the case of Iganga District
(Economic Policy Research Centre, 2011-06)This paper examines the technical and institutional efficiency of the National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) programme implementation in Iganga district. The Cost Effective Analysis (CEA) and stochastic frontier ... -
Economic and Social Upgrading in the Mobile Telecommunications Industry: The Case MTN Uganda
(Economic Policy Research Center, Makerere University, 2013-05)Worldwide leaving an indelible mark in history by revolutionising lifestyles of individual, Systems, governments and entities. A number of factors have contributed to this phenomenon. Uganda has not been an exception and ... -
Effectiveness of national local content policies in road construction : a case study of Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)
(Makerere University, 2022)This study examined the effectiveness of National Local Content Policies in Road construction: A Case study of UNRA. The study was guided by objectives which included examining the extent to which local people are employed ... -
Fiscal policy consistency and its implications for macroeconomic aggregates: the case of Uganda
(Economic Policy Research Centre, 2010-06)The relationship between growth in monetary aggregates and price changes continues to be a subject of considerable debate both in the academic and policy circles. Whereas the more ‘conservative’ policy makers hold that ... -
Food insecurity in Uganda: a dilemma to achieving the hunger Millennium Development Goal
(Economic Policy Research Centre, 2010-07)The status of food security in Uganda is worrying. The share of Ugandans suffering from food insecurity measured in terms of caloric intake is alarmingly high with low rates of income poverty. Based on the 2005/06 Uganda ... -
Foreign aid, economic development and corruption
(2015-06)We adopt a dynamic general equilibrium model in which bureaucratic corruption leads to poor quality public services thereby incentivising households to engage in tax evasion. With aid, government is able to shore up the ... -
The greedy multi-cluster scheduler: performance bounds and parametric sensitivity
(IJCIR, 2007)Most schedulers in parallel job scheduling do not put (job) schedulability into consideration when prioritizing jobs. Performance evaluation is mostly done using average values of the measurement metric. Using the average ... -
HIV/AIDS prevention interventions in Uganda: A policy simulation.
(EPRC, 2013-06-23)The HIV/AIDS epidemic continues to be a major health challenge in Uganda. The adult HIV/ AIDS prevalence rate had increased to 7.3 percent by 2011 from 6.4 percent in 2005/6. Consequently, understanding the programmes ... -
Impacts and determinants of panel survey attrition: the case of Northern Uganda survey 2004-2008
(Economic Policy Research Centre, 2010-04)The paper analyses the impact of household attrition in the Northern Uganda Survey panel of 2004 and 2008. These surveys were designed to evaluate the performance of the first phase of the Northern Uganda Social Action ... -
Improving Girls' access to secondary schooling
(2013-06-11)Despite the successful implementation of the Universal Secondary Education policy in Uganda in 2007, overall secondary school enrolments have remained low, especially for girls. Among other reasons, high cost of schooling ... -
Inflation differentials among Ugandan households: 1997 - 2007
(Economic Policy Research Centre, 2010-06)Since the structural adjustment days of the 1990s, targeting inflation to single digit rates has remained a predominant feature of Uganda’s macroeconomic strategy towards creating and sustaining an enabling environment ... -
The Influence of Job Physical Characteristics on their Schedulability in Multi-cluster Systems
(Fountain Publishers, 2006)Performance (and sensitivity) studies in parallel job scheduling mostly use average values of the measurement metrics over the entire job stream. This does not give an idea of relative job performance (hence starvation) ... -
Institutional constraints to agriculture development in Uganda.
(EPRC, 2013-05-11)Since the early 1990s, Uganda has implemented a number of reforms in the agricultural sector. However, in the past 10 years, the performance of the sector has lagged behind other sectors particularly services and industry. ... -
Integrating family planning data in Uganda’s Health Management Information System
(United States Agency for International Development, 2018)Background: Uganda’s health management information system (HMIS) was established in 1985 to collect and analyze national data on morbidity from communicable and noncommunicable diseases, reproductive health, family planning ...