Now showing items 13302-13321 of 13664

      Utilization of open educational resources in teacher education programmes of Makerere University and Kyambogo University [1]
      Utilization of oral health services and barriers among HIV patients visiting public and private health facilities in Kampala Capital City, Uganda [1]
      Utilization of orange fleshed sweet potato and bio-fortified beans for the production of nutritionally enhanced noodles. [1]
      Utilization of physiotherapy services and associated factors among patients with lower back pain at Mubende Regional Referral Hospital, Uganda [1]
      Utilization of post exposure prophylaxis among health workers following percutaneous injuries in public health facilities in Kampala Capital City [1]
      Utilization of postnatal services among postpartum mothers at Kawempe national referral hospital, Uganda. A study of attendance patterns at 24 hours, 6 days and 6 Weeks post partum [1]
      Utilization of scarce water resources for livestock productivity in the Dry Belt (Alwi Corridor) of Nebbi District. [1]
      Utilization of sexual and reproductive health services and associated factors among urban refugee adolescent girls and young women:A case study of Jesuit Refugee Service [1]
      Utilization of traditional herbal medicine among women attending antenatal clinics in mulago hospital. [1]
      Utilization of traditional medicine as a health care option: a case for Kiruhura District [1]
      Utilization, associated factors and health workers' perceptions of non-pneumatic anti-shock garment in managing obstetric hemorrhage at Kawempe National Referral Hospital [1]
      Utilizing a Social Constructivist approach to cultivate Teacher-educators’ and trainees’ Digital competence at Makerere University [1]
      Utilizing heated pollen and Androgenesis pathways for the production of haploids in cassava [1]
      Utilizing web-GIS in the development of online platform ecotourism in the National Forestry Authority [1]
      Vaccine safety perceptions among parents in developing countries and influence of adverse events following immunization (AEFI) on their decisions to vaccinate children [1]
      Validation of anthropometric-based weight estimation equations among adults: A cross-sectional study in Kira Health Center IV in Wakiso District, Central Uganda [1]
      Validation of high-throughput phenotyping tools for selection in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) breeding [1]
      Validation of the Higher Education Quality Assessment Model from the Perspective of Undergraduate Students in Universities in Benadir Region, Somalia. [1]
      Validation of the missoula-vitas quality of- life index among patients with advanced AIDS in urban Kampala, Uganda [1]